space 1999 episodes
They are greeted as friends by all- except Commissioner Simmons who sees their vessel as way to return home. The trial is by combat and the pair must face three aliens, one with superstrength, one which can render itself invisible and one which can teleport. Koenig is assailed by guilt-driven visions from his own past. A faster-than-light Super Swift ship arrives at Alpha, bringing friends and relatives and raising hopes that they will all be able to go home soon. The tall and imposing Magus arrives on board the ship. The downside is that it is now 2120 on Earth and the surface has become an unbreathable wasteland through centuries of pollution. Ship's engineer Patrick Osgood believes he can obtain tiranuim to make a new heart for his sick wife Michelle, from the catacombs of the moon, using explosives. As the Alphans are planning to explore the planet Ariel, a 'missile' attaches itself to the en route Eagle. Fortunately Mentor is not alone on the planet; his innocent ... With Maya now a crew member the Alphans discover a young couple called Cantor and Zova who have been in suspended animation for some while. is a poet and not a mass murderer and releases him. A vessel of alien pacifists, bound for Earth, lands on the moon. Alpha' s water system needs a rare mineral named Milgonite and scanners detect quantities of it on a barren planet the moon is passing. Dr. Russell and Tony go with her to Vega and discover a society with two distinct classes that have different plans for the future in mind. Two renegade crew members have other ideas, however, and take Helena hostage in their demands to settle on Arkadia. The images should not contain any sexually explicit content, race hatred material or other offensive symbols or images. A wandering energy force inhabits the body of Alpha technician Anton Zoref, turning him into an energy absorbing being. Brian's creator Captain Michael and his crew have all died in mysterious circumstances and Brian asks for the help of Koenig and his crew. The moon is approaching a black hole. However, it soon becomes very apparent that Brian is anything but harmless and was in fact responsible for the deaths of Captain Michael and his colleagues. Several crew members explore the planet Sunin, including botanist Shermeen Williams, who appears to have visionary gifts. The Alphans find themselves caught up in a long-running war between two rival planets, Betha and Delta. The ship is found deserted save for a mobile computer named Brian, who soon leads the Alphans into a dangerous situation. Professor Bergman is a able to rig up an energy shield around the moonbase, but Commander Koenig feels this is only a desperate measure and has an eagle with six personnel dispatched as the rest of the moonbase await certain death. While exploring an Earth-type world several Alphans, including Commander Koenig and Dr. Russel, disappear after sighting a strange fog. An Alpha crewman starts believing he's psychic and can sense a habitable planet nearby, leading his team to mutiny and endangering Alpha when Koenig finds that the Moon and the planet are actually on a collision course. As a result they are put on trial for murder by three talking trees, the Judges of Luton. Magus says he. Watch Space: 1999 episodes, get episode information, recaps and more. Before long she is acting just as Fred Clifford did before his death... After Commander Koening's Eagle crashes on the planet Zenno, his soul is captured and scrutinized by a resident alien, due to the fact that we humans appear to be their missing link. He discovers that there is life on one of the moons and when. An energetic and flamboyant trader known as the Taybor arrives on the moon to trade with the Alphans. The Alphans encounter the Voyager space probe that has been wandering the cosmos propelled by the Queller drive- a faulty engine system. Mentor is building a biological computer which will hopefully transform his deteriorating planet back into the Eden it once was. He is offering to sell things to the Alphans. Helena and Tony convince Koenig that the alien couple are innocent beings and to allow them the chance to recover their people. The Alphans hopes of resettling on a planet of their own seem to be within reach when a seemingly uninhabited and life sustaining planet is located. Shortly afterwards a race of primitive humans are encountered. However, for every one of his race made flesh, an Alphan must lose their matter. Before long, Koenig is locked in a battle of wills with a woman whose latent mental abilities have surfaced presumably due to the cloud's proximity. Commander Koenig is interested in a drive the Taybor has that could help his people get back to Earth but is unhappy. However, Maya knew Dorzak and claims he. A survey below the moon's surface reveals a stasis chamber that the Alphans were unaware of. There are no other charcters in this 7 minute fan made special. Dr. Russell aids Koenig to overcome his own "ghosts", and prevent Carolyn from taking over the Moonbase. The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story, Please read the following before uploading. They are from the usually peaceful planet of Archaron and they claim that they are victims of a rebellion, engineered by Pasc's wife Lyra. After destroying an asteroid on a collision course with the moon, an even larger obstacle appears - an entire planet! While exploring a cavern in an asteroid, the Alphans release Balor, a sadistic alien who has achieved immortality. The chamber is found to contain two aliens, a man and a boy, in suspended animation. Following the probe is a fleet of alien ships from a world devastated by the drive. In consequence every action ordered by the fake Koenig is solely for the benefit of the Kalthon and to the detriment of the welfare of the Alphans.


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