Räuchermännchen: German Christmas Smokers…, BRING THE SMELL OF LEBKUCHEN INTO YOUR HOME WITH HOMEMADE ZIMT ORNAMENTS…, Strohsterne … A German Christmas Straw Star With A Lot of Meaning…. (for anyone), Last Minute Halloween Prep for the Whole Family, Christstollen: A German Christmas Pastry With A 500-Year History …, Pfeffernüsse: German Iced Gingerbread Christmas Cookies…, Dominosteine: A German Layered Christmas Cookie With A Lot Of Flavor…, Engelsaugen: Classic German Christmas Cookies With A Jam Filling …, Zimtsterne: Iconic German Christmas Cinnamon Star Cookies…, Plätzchen: German Christmas Cookies With A Long Tradition And History…, Mandelsplitter: Two Ingredient German Slivered Chocolate Almonds Drops…, Kokosmarkonen: A Classic And Beloved Eggwhite Christmas cookie…, Vanillekipferl: A Crescent-Shaped Christmas cookie…, Spekulatius: German Spiced Cookies With A Long Tradition…, Der Osterzopf: A Traditional German Braided Sweet Bread…, TRY ON SESSIONS | AMERICAN EAGLE FALL FAVORITES, View all posts by One German American Girl, Der Weihnachtsmarkt: German Christmas Markets – Creating Unforgettable Holiday Magic, Christkind: The German Christmas Gift Giver… – One German American Girl, Plätzchen: German Christmas Cookies With A Long Tradition And History… – One German American Girl, Pfeffernüsse: German Iced Gingerbread Christmas Cookies… – One German American Girl. After cleaning our shoes, we would set them out by the front door and the next morning we would find all sorts of things in our shoes like candy, gold coins, always a big chocolate Santa Claus and a small gift like a book, dvd, card game, socks, or a hat. For Western Christians, St Nicholas's Day is held on December 6th annually celebrating the feast day of St Nicholas. The German Nikolaus Tradition…What is St. Nicholas Day? But his was not the only way the Church Fathers approached ecumenism. St. Nicholas was born around the year 280 A.D. This Holiday Season Bring Light Magic into your Home with a Weihnachtspyramide…, Weihnachtspuzzle…Ravensburger Christmas Puzzle, A Shining Star: The Herrnhut Stern or Moravian Star…, Last, last Minute DIY Halloween Costumes …. Help us launch a revival in Catholic Scripture study, bringing countless Catholics into an encounter December 6, 2010. These crispy brown sugar and spice cookies, popularized in the US by the brand Biscoff, are extremely popular in Belgium and the Netherlands at this time of year. I love anything fashion, cozy, antique and copper. My husband and I live in sunny California with our two beautiful boys, including our newest addition Cooper. In fact, he’s one of the handful of saints whose intercession I invoke every day of my life. THIS POST MAY CONTAIN AFFILIATE LINKS. I worked in the media industry for a long time, but now I am just a stay at home mom. I am also very passionate about my life as a mother and I want to reflect that within my blog. The Church of the Fathers suffered many divisions — schisms, heresies, and outright apostasies. Other traditions equate St. Nicholas with Santa Claus, which means that St. Nicholas comes on the night of December 24, leaving presents for children to open on December 25. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. For Western Christians, St Nicholas's Day is held on December 6th annually celebrating the feast day of St Nicholas. Rather than keep the money, he decided to give all the money away to the needy, especially the children. Children all over the world have St Nicholas to thank for this custom, although those who celebrate his feast day receive their treats on December 6th (St Nicholas Day) rather than Christmas Eve. Oh, and it’s probably best if we hold our punches. He encouraged the dialogue. These are spicy, ginger cookies, often baked in a mold the shake of St. Nicholas! Tell the story of the saint’s habit of secret giving and care for the poor. We should marvel at the stunning fact of intercommunion. St. Nicholas Day, or Eve, is celebrated on December 6. “Happy holidays, infidel.”). We should marvel that reconciliation should proceed so swiftly after a millennium and a half of alienation. The division has lasted now for a millennium and a half. And we should rest assured, as the Fathers did, that our prayer will be answered; for it is the prayer of Jesus (see Jn 17:11). OPINIONS ARE MY OWN. Eastern Christian Churches will celebrate the day on December 19th as they follow the Julian calendar. My Sausage and Sauerkraut Life in a French Fry and Apple Pie world. The German Nikolaus Tradition…What is St. Nicholas Day? Follow the Dutch tradition of eating a festive dinner with family or friends December 5, St. Nicholas Eve. SUGGESTIONS FOR CELEBRATING ST. NICHOLAS DAY* AT HOME. St. Nicholas Day goes back many, many years ago and is based on a true story. St. Nicholas Day or Nikolaus sometimes also spelled Nikolas is the Patron Saint of Children and on December 6th children throughout Germany wake up to find small gifts and goodies in their shoes. I hope with this blog I can share a little piece of my heritage, passion, wisdom and laughter in life. ( Log Out / St. Nikolas was a Bishop who lived in the fourth century in Myra, now part of Turkey. Glühwein: Germany’s Heart-Warming Christmas Punch…, Der Tannenbaum: The German Christmas tree…, Weihnachtslametta: German Tinsel for the Christmas Tree…, Der Osterzopf: A Traditional German Braided Easter Sweet Bread…, Pappmaché Ostereier: The German Paper Mache Eggs…, How To Blow Out Eggs And String Them To Your Ostereierbaum…, Light the way this Christmas season with a Schwibbogen…, Der Weihnachtsmarkt: German Christmas Markets – Creating Unforgettable Holiday Magic, Die Tage zählen mit einem Adventskalender oder Countdown to Christmas with an Advent Calendar …, St Martin’s Day or Ich geh’ mit meiner Laterne…, Die Weihnachtsgurken-Legende or the Christmas Ornament Pickle…. Of course it didn’t work like that because St. Nicholas knows which boot is mine and which boot is yours my mom told me. Happy St. Nicholas Day! Now, don’t get me wrong: I have a great devotion to St. Nicholas. Was Joseph Really Suspicious of Mary’s Pregnancy. He lived during the latter part of the third century into the first half of the fourth century in Asia Minor which is considered to be part of the modern day Turkey. We use cookies to personalize content, ads, and provide social media interaction and analyze traffic on our site. When I was a child, my parents, brother and I would sit together in the living room on the floor with shoe cleaning supplies and shine and polish our boots and shoes. Here’s my take on ol’ St. Nick — as a patron of a particular kind of ecumenical dialogue. View all posts by One German American Girl. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Nothing to expensive but small enough to fit inside a shoe. I'm Daisy and the creative mind behind One German American Girl blog. There were certainly occasions for excommunication, but prayer for unity was always in season. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. By using our site you consent to our Privacy Policy. (Yes, I mean Santa Claus. St. Nicholas Day (December 6th) is right around the corner, and that means it is time for speculoos! A traditional treat on St. Nicholas Day is Spicy Sinterklaas Cake, also known as Speculaas. That pugilistic Santa Claus story is almost unique in ancient Church history, and scholars tell us it’s of dubious origin anyway. Even though many European countries observe St. Nicholas Day, the day sometimes varies from December 5th to December 6th. St Nicholas DaySunday December 61 month, 12 days or 43 days, Christmas DayFriday December 252 months, 1 day or 62 days, New Years EveThursday December 312 months, 7 days or 68 days. In fact, some rigorists thought he was far too patient with heretics and sinners. I remember one year I asked my mom if I can use one of her over the knee boots because I thought St. Nicholas would leave me more presents because the boot was way bigger than mine. The day celebrates St Nicholas’s bringing of gifts with many thinking that modern day Santa Claus came from this Saint. St. Nicholas Day. Some years, we would clean all of our shoes including sneakers and ballet slippers, but especially our winter boots. with the life-transforming power of God's Word in both the Liturgy and life. St. Zephyrinus remained steady and orthodox. We should pray for unity. On the evening of December 5th, children not only place a boot or shoes outside their bedroom doors, but they also have to clean them first, hoping that St. Nicholas will fill them with presents overnight. Sometimes it took centuries, but the Montanists, Marcionites, Arians, Apollinarians, and Monothelites all went the way of the wooly mammoth. Nikolas would always wear a white robe and carry a book to double check behavior, because only well-behaved children would find goodies in their shoes. The day celebrates St Nicholas’s bringing of gifts with many thinking that modern day … He reportedly punched the heretic Arius in the nose at the Council of Nicea. One of the most painful divisions in Christian antiquity was the schism that rent the “Persian” East from the “Roman” West. There are Catholics, no doubt, who would consider this division a “cold case,” meriting no further attention. Still today, it’s easy for armchair pontiffs to grumble about the perceived weaknesses of the real popes. It’s the real ones who have the thankless job of discerning the seasons of the carrot and the seasons of the stick.
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