subhash chandra bose history
(ii) Abolition of landlordism or the Zamindari system. March 2012", "TRAFFIC STATISTICS - FREIGHT (INT'L+DOM.) The plan has received the first nod from the aviation ministry. On the question of the formation of the Congress Working Committee, there arose a sharp rift between Gandhiji and Bose. Main ideas of the Party: (i) To develop the economy on socialistic ideas. Answer: ‘Free India Centre’ and ‘Free Hind Radio’ were founded by Bose in Berlin. Question 3: Explain three measures taken by Subhash Chandra Bose to establish a socialist society. Army leadership, administration and communications were managed by Indians only. The new ₹1,000 crore expansion plan will be carried out in 2 phases. Pakistan has been formed, Bangladesh has been formed. After its formation it played a major role in widening the gulf between the Hindus and the Muslims. On October 21, 1943 Subhash Chandra announced the formation of the Provisional Government of free India and declared war against the Allies. However, due to poor patronage and plans to replace it with metro service, the railway line was closed in September 2016 to facilitate construction of the new lines. Answer: (i) Partition: The Act provided for the partition of Indian into two independent Dominions i.e. He stood for Swaraj (self-governance), as well as using force against the British but this however meant a confrontation with Gandhi, which also created a rift between him and Nehru. [50] However, the shift to the new terminal was only completed on 16 March 2013. 1. (ii) It considered the Constituent Assembly as a sovereign body for drafting the Constitution. This car which he used to escape is displayed at his home in Calcutta. (ii) Pakistan was to comprise Sindh, British Baluchistan, North West Frontier Province, the West Punjab and East Bengal and the exact boundaries of these last two would be determined by a Boundary Commission set-up for this purpose only. [70], The construction of the new terminal, as well as runway expansion, marked the end of Phase I of the project. He, later became a member of the Bengal Legislative Council. Subhash Chandra Bose was born to a Bengali family on January 23, 1897 in Cuttack. [60] Passenger lounges are provided by Air India. [10][11][12], The airport began as an open ground next to the Royal Artillery Armoury in Dum Dum. (ii) Formation of Forward Bloc: Due to his differences with Gandhiji he resigned from the Presidentship of Indian National Congress. ", "Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose (Kolkata) International Airport", "Overview of the Airline Industry in India", "Kolkata Airport modernisation project commences", "Kolkata airport to turn swanky with modernisation", "An expressindia article regarding the mosque built within the airport complex", "Fog, rain won't hold up flights any more", "Kolkata airport's new terminal inaugurated", "Shift complete, old terminals shut down", "Which airports offer the world's best customer service? [51][63][64], In the financial year from April 2011 to March 2012, Kolkata Airport served 10.3 million passengers, 85% which were travelling domestically. [12][13][14][15] Sir Stanley Jackson, Governor of Bengal, opened the Bengal Flying Club at Dum Dum/Calcutta aerodrome in February 1929. (vi) The Union of India would be free to remain in or walk out of the British Commonwealth. Calcutta became a destination for the world's first jet-powered passenger aircraft, the de Havilland Comet, on a British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC) route to London. Question 4: Mention two-contributions of the Indian National Army (INA) to the Indian Freedom Movement. The number of parking bays will be increased to 105 by 2024. On 3 June 2019, Singapore Airlines operated the Airport's first Airbus A350 service from Singapore to Kolkata, enhancing the weekly seat capacity. [41][42][43], Work included an expansion of runway 01L/19R, rapid-exit taxiways and parking bays. As part of the larger modernisation programme, a flyover at Nagerbazar and an entry ramp on VIP Road have also been constructed. To tackle this, AAI has planned to upgrade and expand the airport and increase its passenger capacity by 100% to handle up to 40 million passengers annually. However, the old international terminal may be used for future hajj services and is currently under renovation, and the domestic terminal may be used by regional airlines. The Direct Action Day led to the communal riots which engulfed whole India. He was eagerly waiting to see India, as an independent, federal and republic nation. ‘Delhi Chalo’ and ‘Jai Hind’ became the battle cry of the INA. Delhi Chalo (Let’s march to Delhi) was the war cry. So, in February 1943, Bose turned his back on his legionnaires and slipped secretly away aboard a submarine bound for Japan. Login or Register above to download the content. Question 9: What was the immediate objective of the Forward Bloc? (iv) INA’s Victories in South-East Asia: It was the INA which hoisted Tri colour flag for the first time on the liberated Indian soil on March 19, 1944. Punjab, Sind, N.W.F.P., British Baluchistan. Catering facilities are owned by Taj-Sats and Oberoi Flight Services. Bose was placed fourth with highest marks in English. Once there was a picture of ‘Subhash Chandra Bose against entire congress party’. Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose was against rendering any kind of help to the British during the World War II. The airport is locally known as Kolkata Airport and also was earlier known as Dum Dum Airport before being renamed in 1995 after Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, a prominent leader of the Indian independence movement. The Imperial Japanese Army Air Force Bomber he was travelling on had engine trouble and when it crashed Bose was badly burned, dying in a local hospital four hours later. This opposition was against Gandhi‘s philosophy. The Japanese could no longer fund their armies, and eventually surrendered. He also worked as an editor for Deshbahdhu Das’s newspaper “Forward.” In a roundup of nationalists in 1925, Bose was arrested and sent to prison in Mandalay, where he contracted tuberculosis. Question 4: What were the three decisions taken at the Tokyo conference? Answer: Subhas Chandra Bose was deeply disturbed by the Jallianwala Bagh massacre, and left his Civil Services apprenticeship midway to return to India in 1921. [73] The under construction tower is expected to be complete by 2020. Answer: On 21st October 1943, Subhas Chandra Bose proclaimed the formation of the Provisional Government of Independent India. A new domestic terminal named Terminal 2 was opened in 1995 making the international one Terminal 1, and the airport was renamed in honour of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose. [47][48] The former airport hotel 'Ashok' was demolished to give way for two new five-star luxury hotels and a shopping mall in its place. Answer: The party formed by Subhash Chandra was the ‘Forward Bloc’. [58][59], The airport's new integrated terminal T2 is spread over 233,000 m2 (2,510,000 sq ft) and can handle 25 million passengers annually, compared to the previous terminals' capacity of five million. Gandhiji felt that the defeat was his, rather than that of Pattabhi. Answer: (i) Result of the Constituent Assembly: Elections for the Constituent Assembly were held in July, 1946. Chandra Kumar Bose claimed that the Congress leadership that took over after Netaji’s resignation encouraged divisive politics and the division of the country paving way for the creation of ‘a jihadi state called Pakistan’. [136][137] Parking facilities at the new terminal include two underground parking levels accommodating 3000 cars, as well as an outdoor car parking which can handle an additional 2000 cars. In August 2014, it was announced that the instrument landing system of the primary runway would be upgraded to CAT-IIIb. (iv) In 1939, Bose launched the National Planning Committee for drawing up a comprehensive plan for industrialisation. (iv) The Hindus and the Muslims were to be equally represented in the Viceroy’s Executive Council. An admirer of Russia, Bose was devastated when Hitler’s tanks rolled across the Soviet border. Question 1: Answer the following: (i) The given picture shows the flag of which party. After that he gave a tough fight to the British forces in Assam Hills. (1) The Federal Government (Central Government) was to have only three subjects under its jurisdiction, namely defence, foreign affairs and communications. The League feared that it would be outvoted in the Assembly. Or Why was Forward Bloc formed? Question 13: Why did the British Government set the prisoners of the Indian National Army free? (iii) The Viceroy’s Executive Council would consist of Indians only with the exception of the Viceroy and the Commander-in-Chief. Subhash Chandra Bose started his military campaign against Britisher and Netaji got support from Japan to make his mission possible. He was strongly influenced by Swami Vivekananda’s teachings and was known for his patriotic zeal as a student. As a result, Bose was left alone, as no none would come forward to join his Working Committee in the face of Gandhiji’s displeasure. No Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom, nor any order in Council passed after 15th August, 1947, shall have any validity in either of the two dominions. Congress won 212 seats out of 298 seats and got comfortable majority in the Assembly. (iii) Each of the two dominions shall be under a Governor-General, who will be appointed by His Majesty. Though the Court martial held them guilty but they were not punished due to demonstrations all over the country. At one stage he traveled 400 miles in a rubber dingy to reach a Japanese submarine, which took him to Tokyo. Answer: He was an Indian revolutionary who went to Japan in 1915 and established Indian Independence League in 1942. The airport traditionally served as a strategic stopover on the air route from North America and Europe to Indochina and Australia. in 1918 in philosophy from the Scottish Church College. A touching scene ensued when the solders entered their ‘free’ motherland. Question 2: Mention the circumstances which led to the formation of the Indian National Army. (iv) The Provinces of Assam, Bengal and Punjab would be divided and the boundaries would be delineated. The deadlock between the two could not be resolved in spite of the efforts by Nehru and Jayaprakash Narayan. A most hazardous journey was undertaken by him under water, covering thousands of miles,  crossing enemy territories. The 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War saw a large increase of both refugees and disease in Calcutta, causing more airlines to cease services to the city. Its members swore the following allegiance to Hitler and Bose: “I swear by God this holy oath that I will obey the leader of the German race and state, Adolf Hitler, as the commander of the German armed forces in the fight for India, whose leader is Subhash Chandra Bose.”. This would immediately increase the passenger capacity by a few million and would solve the space crunch for the time being. He was called Netaji by the soldiers. It is located approximately 15 kilometres (9.3 mi) from the city centre. But he resign from this post and founded the Forward Bloc in 1939 to carry on the freedom struggle while remaining within the Congress. Chandra Kumar Bose pointed out that Netaji had implemented the same in his Azad Hind Force that he went on to establish in 1941. It also gave fresh confidence to the revolutionaries in India who were challenging the British in many ways. Question 3: In which year was Bose elected as President of the Congress for the first time? The INA along with the Japanese fought in key battles against the British Army of India.


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