what happens at homecoming
13 Reasons Why returned to Netflix Friday Aug. 23 and the mystery of who killed Bryce Walker was at the heart of season 3. Homecoming isn't an origin story. Peter tries to fall back into his normal daily routine - distracted by thoughts of proving himself to be more than just your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man - but when the Vulture emerges as a new villain, everything that Peter holds most important will be threatened. So, if it weren't for Homecoming and the chaos of the night, Bryce would likely still be alive. But against the commands of his mentor, Tony Stark, Peter must go under the radar and investigate the mysterious new supervillain, The Vulture. In a teaser for Far From Home, however, MJ is shown telling Peter that she knows that he's Spider-Man because "it's kind of obvious." After all, Far From Home takes place around Europe on Peter's class trip. Who does Odysseus encounter in the Land Of The Dead in Homer's Odyssey? popbuzz.co/37kGEQs pic.twitter.com/DQqQBbUntP, 13 Reasons Why's Dylan Minnnette says the cast "pushed, 13 Reasons Why season 4 ending: What happened to the, 13 Reasons Why called out over “offensive” AIDS storyline, Deaken Bluman: 10 facts about the 13 Reasons Why actor, 13 Reasons Why season 4 release time: What time does 13, When is After We Collided released on Netflix? When Bryce arrives at Liberty, he heads to the locker rooms to confront Monty about assaulting Tyler. In Homer's epic The Odyssey, what happened at the Land of the Lotus Eater? While the primary veteran Avenger in Homecoming is Iron Man, Steve Rogers/Captain America (Chris Evans) appears in a few hilarious public service announcements that play at Peter's school. It's not until Bryce threatens to injure Zach that Alex erupts with rage and shoves Bryce in the water, where he drowns. Watch the video to find out. Most of the season is spent referencing a huge bust up that takes place at the Homecoming game but we don't get to see what happens until the later part of the season. He kisses her, which Clay (Dylan Minnette) sees. The modern homecoming parade includes the school's marching band, the homecoming court, a variety of floats based upon a chosen theme and a leader of the parade--usually the school's grand marshal. Spoilers ahead for Spider-Man: Homecoming and Avengers: Endgame. 2020 Bustle Digital Group. The owner of the local cleanup crew, Adrian Toomes (Michael Keaton) retaliates after losing his job, becoming the villain Vulture, out to destroy Damage Control and Tony Stark. Peter Parker balances his life as an ordinary high school student in Queens with his superhero alter-ego Spider-Man, and finds himself on the trail of a new menace prowling the skies of New York City. © 2020 eNotes.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved. In the Odyssey, why did Odysseus tell Polyphemus his name was Nobody. The Homecoming game was always going to be a tense one. He tells her that if she feels more comfortable doing so, she can bring a friend along. The first post-credits scene shows an imprisoned Toomes speaking with a fellow inmate, Mac Gargan (Michael Mando). Early in the poem, we learn that Orestes, Agamemnon's son, killed the "handsome Aegisthus" because of what Aegisthus had done to Agamemnon. Toomes lies and says he doesn't know who Spider-Man really is, whether that's because he plans to get his revenge against Peter himself or because he feels indebted to the 15-year-old for saving his life. Enjoy eNotes ad-free and cancel anytime. Bryce also calls Tyler and leaves a message, telling him that he's taken care of his Monty problem. Far From Home will show how Peter deals with his grief over losing him and how Spider-Man is now being expected to step up. Soon, a van from the U.S. Department of Damage Control arrives. But, he wasn't yet an official Avenger, so he took matters into his own hands, skipping school to fight crimes. Monty confronts Bryce at the Hillcrest bus, and threatens him. What in the World Happens in Homecoming’s Ending Credit Scene? In The Odyssey, what does Odyssesus learn from Agamemnon in the Underworld? Monty sees new character Winston, the boy that Monty hooked up with and then beat up at the party months before, watching the game and taking photos. At the start of Homecoming, you see Damage Control Director Anne Marie Hoag (Tyne Daly) at the aftermath of the battle between the Avengers and the Chitauri aliens from the first Avengers film. What are the challenges that Odysseus had to face on his journey home? Monty also gets in Bryce's face, and the two exchange barbs throughout the game. Zach throws Bryce's phone into the river and leaves him there. But they may be important to the continuation of his own personal arc, so it's best to go into Far From Home well prepared. Thrilled by his experience with the Avengers, Peter returns home, where he lives with his Aunt May, under the watchful eye of his new mentor Tony Stark, Peter tries to fall back into his normal daily routine - distracted by thoughts of proving himself to be more than just your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man - but when the Vulture emerges as a new villain, everything that Peter holds most important will be threatened. Donald Glover plays Aaron Davis, who is uncle to Miles Morales. Get an answer for 'In "The Odyssey," what happens at the homecoming of Agamemnon?' Since it's been almost exactly two years since the last standalone movie focusing on Spidey, you may be in need of this Spider-Man: Homecoming recap. What happened at Homecoming and what chaotic events afterward led to the murder of Bryce Walker? When he returned home from the war, he was brutally murdered by his unfaithful wife, Clytemnestra, and her lover, Aegisthus. Salvage worker Adrian Toomes (Michael Keaton) is showing his co-worker a drawing that his daughter made of the Avengers in action. The mystery of who killed Bryce Walker (Justin Prentice) looms over. She's his cynical, precocious friend on the Quiz Bowl team. Audiences don't get to see the repercussions of her knowing about Peter's superhero identity, but considering that Spider-Man at least had the freedom to go to school on the day of Thanos's attack indicates that he wasn't grounded and forced into homeschooling. By Jen Chaney. eNotes.com will help you with any book or any question. "Giving her the initials that remind you of that [romantic] dynamic certainly is intriguing about what could go forward," Feige said of Michelle's nickname, which is meant to remind you of Peter's frequent comics love interest, Mary Jane Watson. After Avengers: Endgame jumped forward in time and killed off a couple of the longest standing Avengers, MCU is tasked with keeping that momentum going. This was payback for Agamemnon's sacrifice of his daughter Iphigenia to appease the gods' wrath and ensure success in the Trojan War. Peter Parker is exploring the concept of becoming an Avenger. Audrey (Hong Chau), playing mind games on Homecoming. We see Homecoming at Liberty High from multiple perspectives across episodes 11, 12, and 13 of season 3. Other than Aunt May, Peter's best friend Ned knows about his Spider-Man identity and serves as a right-hand man. While Miles doesn't appear in Homecoming, Marvel comic book fans know him as character who takes over the Spider-Man mantle. Bryce's football field attack prompts Zach to ambush him at the pier and beat him badly. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. Enraged at being driven out of business, Toomes persuades his employees to keep the Chitauri technology they have already scavenged and use it to create and sell advanced weapons. Here’s, 10 books to read by Black authors during Black History, Stranger Things season 4: Release date, spoilers, cast, 13 Reasons Why's Timothy Granaderos admits Tyler assault scene made him "nauseous". This conversation with Bryce doesn't stop Jessica from going through with her protest. There, he tells Monty never to go near Tyler again or he'll come after him. starTop subjects are Literature, History, and Social Sciences, starTop subjects are Literature and History. Jessica watches on, shocked. 13 Reasons Why S3 Spoilers, Unfortunately for fans of Netflix original series Mindhunter, the chances we’ll be getting a third season are slim to none. Most of the season is spent referencing a huge bust up that takes place at the Homecoming game but we don't get to see what happens until the later part of the season. After Captain America: Civil War (2016), Peter Parker, The Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, is patiently waiting for Tony Stark to give him a mission where he can help out as best as he can manage. Monty also gets in Bryce's face, and the two exchange barbs throughout the game. Vulture is created out of stolen refuse from Damage Control, including a Chitauri exoskeleton and equipment that allowed Toomes to fly. "You can be whatever you want to be," Winston tells Monty kindly. Zeus, at a meeting of the gods, laments the way in which human beings seem to blame the gods for their troubles even though, most... (The entire section contains 4 answers and 539 words.). But MCU fans do get to learn more about Peter's life as a high school student/vigilante in Queens. Julia Roberts thriller Homecoming leaves some burning questions. Fair enough. The Homecoming game was always going to be a tense one. Photo: Amazon Prime … All of these events must seem pretty distant to Peter, who was snapped and un-snapped in Infinity War and Endgame, respectively. Thrilled by his experience with the Avengers, Peter returns home, where he lives with his Aunt May, under the watchful eye of his new mentor Tony Stark. He also tells Jessica he has something to give her and asks her to meet him at the pier after the game. With Bryce returning to play for Hillcrest against his old team, emotions were running high long before kick-off. The mystery of what happened at Homecoming and who killed Bryce Walker are at the centre of 13 Reasons Why season 3. Zach leaves him bruised but not dead. The Amazon Prime show ties up a lot of loose ends by the end of its first season, but questions remain. Spider-Man: Far From Home, out July 2, serves as a direct followup to Endgame by focusing on Peter Parker's (Tom Holland) grief over the death of his mentor, Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.). Later, when Bryce sees Zach Dempsy and Chloe hugging before the game, he takes his rage and jealousy out on his former teammate on the football field, breaking his leg and effectively ending his sports career. This video isn't supposed to be taken seriously. After getting a chance to fight alongside the Avengers — or half of them at least — in Captain America: Civil War, Peter didn't want to just go back to school and pretend he was a regular teen. Meanwhile, Jessica's planned HO protest turns into an all out brawl after a Hillcrest football player grabs her breasts and students begin to storm the field. Season 3 opened up with new girl Ani witnessing Clay Jenson's arrest, but the event that proves to be the animating force for the whole season is Homecoming. It is a tradition in many high schools, colleges, and churches in the United States and to a lesser extent in Canada.


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