Amber fails to defend Jonah. Young Jonah She tells him that her dad got fired and has been keeping it a secret. Jonah has won two tickets for go-kart racing and invites Amber to go with him. This doesn't quite work as Libby asks Andi why she and Jonah broke up, leading Libby to the conclusion that Jonah is cute but boring. He goes to Andi's dance party during which he dances with Andi for most of the time. At first, Andi doesn't accept the invitation but Jonah asks her to think about it. Andi is impressed and starts walking around with Walker. He dresses like a typical 14-year old, usually wearing casual shirts and jeans. While taking a break during the go-kart racing, Amber tells Jonah, "I love you" twice but she is inaudible because a loud go-kart keeps interrupting them. Cyrus' Bash-Mitzvah! He is fun and positive and easy-going, says silly things like "docious magocious," and loves to tease. Cyrus makes TJ a better person and can see the good in him and TJ encourages Cyrus out of his comfort zone and they both want the other to believe in himself. When TJ announces he has to go to work, Cyrus looks nervous because he wouldn't have anybody to talk to. Jonah asks Amber to give back Andi's bracelet, the one she took away from him. and ends up in a dance class. TJ teaches Cyrus how to ride a dirt bike. He tells her all about detention, which only helps scare Andi Mack. And when Andi attempts to enlist her friends in an epic group costume, it proves to be way more challenging then she first thought. Cyrus tells Jonah that the two of them should just continue with the date without the girls. Cyrus gets in anyway, deciding it's worth skipping lunch over. He sits them down and explains that his dad made a bad investment and never told the family until he had to declare bankruptcy. The night of Andi’s going away party, Jonah has the displeasure of seeing Cyrus and TJ in a way he should have known he would. They are notable as the first gay romance on Disney Channel. Andi asks Buffy if she's texting Walker, implying they have not officially broken up yet. TJ asks if Cyrus will visit him while he's "on the inside". Cyrus shows the two of them a photo from the time, which reveals that TJ did take Jonah's tee, but due to TJ's dyscalculia making him see the numbers wrong. Type They're even now. Jonah laughs at her. Will you visit me while I'm on the inside? Jonah is impressed that Andi has layers. Jonah says Amber is a supportive friend before clarifying he's not cheating: Libby dumped him a couple days ago, and he was too embarrassed to admit it. Dark brown When Kira accuses him of finding it funny too, TJ clarifies that he found it. He changes his mind frequently and is constantly cycling in and out relationships with different girls. TJ is not present in this episode, but he is the reason Buffy is avoiding Cyrus. Both Joshua Rush and Luke Mullen confirmed that Tyrus is canon and boyfriends. His friends are there for him and tell him he doesn't need to keep things from them. Cyrus is surprisingly good at ping-pong, beating Jonah. After he realized her true talent, he invited her to the ultimate frisbee team, the Space Otters. This causes Jonah to have a panic attack and almost faint. He also asks Cyrus out on a double-date with him, Amber, and Iris. Joshua Rush revealed that there was a deleted scene in, On February 8, 2019, Disney revealed through. Jonah is social and charming, winning people over easily with the flash of a dimple. Cyrus' face falls when he sees Kira is at the party too. When Natalie invites Jonah to guest star in her YouTube video, Jonah forgets that he had promised Andi that he would go with her to a Grease sing-along. [Buffy] may have been right, but you're the one who really helped me. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Friends So, Andi takes Jonah to The Fringe for gift ideas. Cyrus tells TJ he's happy for him and although it doesn't convince Cyrus, TJ clarifies that he and Kira are not a couple. When Andi tells Walker about Buffy leaving, Walker comes to meet them at The Spoon. Jonah admits he never knew how much he needed a friend like Cyrus. Amber walks away, threatening Jonah. The hour-long episode also featured a few other surprises for the characters. Family Luckily, it turns out to be just a panic scare. However, fellow team members fail to show up because Gus didn't send out a message to them. During the clothes give-away, Jonah inadvertently tells someone how they got the clothes. Bowie offers to be there for him and is very supportive. He later invites his friend Natalie to hang out with him at The Spoon, making Andi jealous and uncomfortable. (Andi's Texts from after this episode reveal that Cyrus is trying to catch TJ at school to talk the situation out.). They agree to go as "summer" and "salt", referring to the time TJ helped Cyrus learn how to do somersault in the gym in. After the performance, Andi remains behind and kisses Jonah. And when Andi attempts to enlist her friends in an epic group costume, it proves to be way more challenging then she first thought. Season 2 So, she threatens Jonah to never hurt Andi or any of her friends. When Andi asks Amber about it, she says they just happened to get together again because they've been bonding a lot recently. TJ and Cyrus form a bet: TJ thinks he can get Buffy to admit she's nervous about girls basketball tryouts and Cyrus thinks otherwise; the loser owes the winner a muffin of his choice. Jonah's unusual behavior becomes cause for concern. Andi, Buffy and Jonah support Cyrus as he sits Shiva for his grandmother. Cyrus wonders if it'll be better this time around as Amber has changed a lot, and Buffy comments that Jonah is cycling through ex-girlfriends at this point - Andi might be next, to Andi's horror. His initial relationship with Amber[1][2] was forced and toxic, and it turns out Amber was cheating on him anyway.
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