hardy god's country
He’s equally likely to record an album of rapper duets next time. Much prefer his old music without the constant drink in his hand. Your email address will not be published. I’m happy to support HIS efforts to support REAL country music . 5:49 pm. ” I’ve always thought his old farts and jackasses comment was taken out of context and became a convenient vehicle for people who wanted to hate him to have full license to hate him. Rural communities are disappearing. Like the soul of the lyrics, tho. It’s such a sharp contrast to the happy clappy “hey girl” disco-country on the radio. The guy is as fake as they come. 1:14 pm. ", A post shared by Gwen Stefani (@gwenstefani) on Apr 8, 2019 at 3:07am PDT. There is no universe in which anyone cares about the self proclaimed King Honky. Fuzzy TwoShirts We will disagree about Har…HARDY. But as a track, “God’s Country” does little to address the lack of work for Nashville’s drumming professionals, instead focusing on mostly computer-generated tambourine taps, bell strikes, bass thumps, and gated hand claps as opposed to sticks on skins. That Photograph song. Saw a tweet saying it’s the top selling single worldwide on iTunes. Black Boots Not saying the dislike wasn’t warranted.”. Luke Combs gets that with his lyrics (…the same Luke Combs that has a #1 song on Country Airplay for now six weeks). Who knows…..maybe he’ll fuel a rebirth. I wasn't the guy that grew up singing in church or whatever. In some respects “God’s Country” delivers on these hopes, but in other aspects, the substance and originality feels a little skin deep. 11:14 pm. “But when people look back in history and asses his influence and impact on the music”. And I love the fact that I’m from the South and that I live in the rural South. 1:18 pm. 10:56 am. Thank God for this song. Now he is trying to appeal to those that he pissed off with that comment. Overall, this is another Shelton single that makes me hope he turns even more traditional because he has a phenomenal voice and a lot of heart. I’m also a big Jovi fan. Could have written “I fish where I want to … and piss where I swim” for even more authenticity! It won’t be interesting enough to assuage Johnny Cash hipsters to pay attention to commercial radio or have traditional country fans come around on the Blake Shelton legacy, but it makes for a good conversation piece. Unless of course your some pretty boy completely fake sell out who does just as the big label tells you. The one glaring eyebrow raiser for me is the fact that the opening melody of the chorus is a direct lift — cadence and melody — from “Brand New Man” by Brooks & Dunn. And visine. The current single “Dark Horse” failed to reach the charts. Good. Sorry. I think Garrett Shelton’s Song is better than this. But, there are millions who are fans, love his music. April 4, 2019 @ HartsvilleAL Obviously God’s country is everywhere or nowhere. Your entitled. Everything is ash-colored. Devin Dawson had a Top 10 hit with “All On Me”. April 4, 2019 @ Atomic Zombie Redneck Not sure that last time a country song has debuted so well like this. But better than “Money.” So, even though the song is basically of the checklist sort, it’s better than most. Hard pass. I think a few folks are wondering why I bothered to review this song. And, I got to sing harmony on it, when we were recording, so it's really special for me. I liked it a lot. I’d be interested when we get the sales numbers in the next few days. 6:12 pm. Fully Loaded: God's Country splits the difference between a compilation and a new EP, balancing seven relatively recent hits with five cuts making their debut here. April 4, 2019 @ 73 Comments. He has hit the top charts because fans of all types enjoy his music. 7:28 am, HA! I’ll probably get some abuse for this, but this is just another shallow fist pumping Southern pride and God song that says nothing about the South and everything about the oversize tire truck driving dipshits blasting it. It’s got its flaws, but I’m going to disagree with everyone in the Facebook comments who are trashing this song. “God’s Country” feels inspired, yet its verses begin to feel familiar, list-like, and self-affirming in almost an indulgent manner as the song progresses, however poetically composed they may be, and powerfully delivered by a clearly impassioned Blake Shelton they are. I am surprised that Blake seems to be doing that. I was turned off by the electronic beats hand claps, but it’s a step up form a lot of what’s on the radio. But judged among its peers and the patterns that Blake Shelton has carved for himself in now nearly 20 years of releasing music, “God’s Country” is unexpected, expressive, passion-filled, and hard not to feel the power of. Debuted at the ACM Awards in April, “God’s Country” is now Shelton’s 26th career Number One. 8:36 pm. We appreciate the traditional stuff too. 1:07 pm. Blake can’t sing… Mediocre singer at best. That’s an Americana/folk song. That’s ok. That just your opinion. Julia Wills It reminds of Bon Jovi’s dead or alive, more than anything. Craig Thomas Trigger Seriously, listen to that opening line and tell me it’s not from “Southern Gothic”. It does remind me of “Old Red”, one of his better songs. 4:33 am, Rosanna My problem with him is that he lets the producer take over. The reason I dislike him is for ALL THE SHITTY songs he records when he doesn’t even have to work another day in his life if he doesn’t want to . George Strait has a corker of a religious song on the new record. And no mistaking it, the initial burst of the song inspires a carnal reaction, like a wave of thunder rolling out from the clouds and rumbling the ground at your feet. 10:53 am. I'm excited about it.". Later some actual drums may chime in, if they weren’t administrated by a central processing unit as well for consistency. But this one, I just wrote a song that we loved, and it was the right timing, and the stars aligned. April 4, 2019 @ I get it the meaning. I like the chord progressions, and even though the melody isn’t anything crazy, the way it’s presented makes me really dig it. Though his name continues to be mud to many traditionalists, Blake Shelton’s last record Texoma Shore was a return to his roots, with some exceptions of course. From the same album, he released the follow-up singles “Asking for a Friend” and the title track. Don’t hate him because most people like him. Thank you! Great song! These were still Blake Shelton’s roots mind you, so this wasn’t material to compete with Tyler Childers. Kevin Davis May 15, 2019 @ Gross. 8:22 am. Go listen to Morgan Wallens cover of “Cover Me Up” By Jason Isbell. The cadence is challenging. I agree about the production and the checklist lyrics, but it hit me pretty strong, not least because I love Blake’s vocals, and I gave it a repeated two or three listens. I really love the song though, Your email address will not be published. “God’s Country” is both nostalgic in its reverence, and here-and-now in its relevance to the modern farmer, re-affirming the hearty and honest nature of America’s agrarian forgotten. Pleasantly surprised by this. These silly ‘anthems’ don’t do anything to scare him back to where he belongs. Ann Stokman Though, it lacks the charm that “I’ll Name the Dogs” had as an album lead-off single. April 4, 2019 @ April 4, 2019 @ First verse reminds me of “Ole Red”. Copyright 2018 PopCulture.com. To each their own. I think he’s a fairly simple guy who records the type of songs he always liked to hear like Bellamy’s, Oaks, ETC, Keith Whitely, Conway, Eddie Rabbit types. Still not very far from Bro-Country which is fine by me. Hope this moves us toward pushing aside Chris Stapleton’s gagging. "I love singing, but I just feel like I was put here to try to tell my story, and help other people tell theirs, and singing is a vessel for that. I gave both EPs a chance. This composition makes “God’s Country” compromised for most traditional country listeners, but will render it palatable to the modern ear, since a sweet and catchy melody is nowhere to be found. however good the song might be, it comes from the same mouth that left behind such gems as, and quite frankly, I cannot imagine any Country created by a loving all-knowing God that would ever have included this as a part of the soundtrack, when so many better options exists, and so far as I know, God’s Country Music begins and ends with George Jones, Mark Freed Heard that song today on the radio directly after hearing George Strait’s Every Little Honky Tonk Bar. April 8, 2019 @ It has been head to head standing against Rap takeover of country. April 4, 2019 @ I listened to the whole thing and realized it was current because of its over simplicity and constant repeating of “God’s Country”. Now that is a traditional country song. Maybe we should see some irony here. You da best dude, love you. All rights reserved. September 11, 2019 @ It was released on March 29, 2019 as the first single and partial title track from his compilation album Fully Loaded: God's Country.The song was written by Devin Dawson, Jordan Schmidt, and Hardy. Phenomenal voice?? you nailed it with the quotes above , I think .I might add that to my ear the song sounds congested …a bit overwhelming lyrically ( the ‘list’ factor you refer to ) and ultimately forgettable . 2:55 pm. The only thing I dislike more than a generic edm country song is your get nothing done negativity. © Copyright 2020 Rolling Stone, LLC, a subsidiary of Penske Business Media, LLC. 8:26 am. Want more Rolling Stone? Trigger It’s also clearly resonating with people. Or a tribute to EDM. April 4, 2019 @ God, I hope those come back someday! Who is he lying to ? This isn’t one of them. 10:32 am, Barstool Hero All of these things Blake Shelton has done recently. I’m not a Southerner and I thought that the devil certainly had stayed in Georgia for a long while. 9:41 pm. Not a terrible song, but I can’t help imagining Blake listening to Tyminski and saying “Let’s do that, but dumber”. May 24, 2019 @ Brooks and Dun need to get their money for royalties on the first line of the chorus. He’s playing Deal or No Deal where every case holds a million dollars and he still somehow manages to pick the shittiest cases. The lyrics are pretty good too. April 4, 2019 @ Good call…Blaze of Glory for sure but I can see why some say “Wanted” too. It’s no “Interstate Gospel”, but it’s infinitely better than “Boys ‘Round Here”. Desertbilly Yeah, Blake does sound great with Gods Country, but it isn’t country. I think it is awesome, and so does the rest of the country. Jon Stalnaker brandon April 4, 2019 @ “God’s Country” tries to evoke the awe-inspiring version of the Almighty, bequeathing us mere mortals patches of soil to toil upon from his perch high up in the clouds, peering down as the beads of sweat form across our brows, and calloused hands fold in prayer for rain. It’s far from what you’ve described. Conrad Fisher “‘God’s Country’ is a song that has a strong and deep meaningful lyric, but at the same time it leaves it up to the listeners’ interpretation,” Shelton said of the song. The pixelation of the images to the stomp beat made me think of dust – perhaps Genesis 3:19 is the inspiration here: “In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.” Generations come and go, working the ground which remains after them. It clearly has wide appeal and makes me interested to see what direction his new album is going to go in. Maybe you should be a little less critical of a good country song that can standup to Trap or pop-gum music. I want to point out it has been #1 on all-genre itunes for an entire week now (Ariana Grande had a new song that pushed it to #2 for a day). It was a bold move by Blake, and looks like it’s paying off. It might be one of the biggest songs in all of 2019. I wonder how that one is doing for him. April 5, 2019 @


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