It is hard to think that anyone who hasn’t already seen the HBO miniseries version of this book could possibly be picturing anything else, to the point where it is questionable whether the actors from the miniseries had a scripts or if they simply carries a version of this book in their back pocket.However it’s not just a book on military tactics but its main recurring theme is the bond that men create during the time of war. I can relate to this incident on a much smaller scale, one time as I was running through the bushes I stepped on a piece of wood with a nail sticking out and it went right in between my toes. Often throughout the book especially during times of non combat the focus turns more onto the friendships amongst the men or between officers and men. This quote, from William Shakespeare's Henry V, described the English Army on the morning of its heroic struggle with the French on the muddy field at Agincourt in 1415. Beside the usual surplus Sherman tanks used in many war movies, ungainly British Cromwells, with their distinctive large turret and rivets, along with German self-propelled guns and half-tracks, were reconstructed to provide an authentic backdrop to the series. Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, from basic training to. Vastly outnumbered and outgunned, the paratroopers demonstrate their superior training and unit cohesiveness by successfully capturing one gun after another, and destroying them, while suffering only light casualties. Use of CookiesThe Society for Military History does not use cookies on this website that would capture your personal data in any way or that would store information in your computer or mobile device. A major focus is growing friendships between Captain Winters and Lt. Nixon as well as Sgt. It is difficult for me to imagine doing something like that on a much larger scale and that is why I have so much respect for all the men throughout the book.On top of their basic training the company underwent another nine months of training to prepare for the invasion. Even the most hardcore military enthusiasts will be impressed at the lengths that the producers go to detail the battles and ensure the historical accuracy of the series. Winters and Nixon, the best of friends, have remarkably contrasting personalities. Each part begins with several unidentified veterans of Easy Company discussing an experience that relates to that particular show the anonymity is used to preserve the suspense. Ambrose used interviews as his main source of information. Reading this book altered the way I look at men in combat. Another thing that made me enjoy this book was that these men were true soldiers. No one has time to read them all, but it’s important to go over them at least briefly. Students wanted to find out more about the soldiers. Guarnere, Lt. Buck Compton and Joe Toye and the sometimes tragic ends to these friendships during battle.Even during times of combat it is always refreshed in your mind about the trust and emotions between the men as almost a entire chapter is clustered around the troops being surrounded by German forces in Bastogne and the constant talking about and levels of distrust in their replacement leader Lt. Dyke. Salvatore R. Mercogliano is ABD from the University of Alabama and is completing his doctorial dissertation, entitled "Mariners, Sailors, and Civilians: American Military Sealift during the Cold War." Each show is capable of standing on its own, but to truly appreciate it requires the viewer to watch all the previous parts to understand the complete storyline, and this is a large commitment of time for some. As part of Operation Overlord, Easy Company was assigned to land behind Utah Beach and secure one of the causeways elevated roads that were essential since the Germans had flooded the lowlands behind the beachhead so that American troops could advance inland. There are other portrayals of harsh treatment toward prisoners; Toye hits one German with brass knuckles after he surrenders, while another member of Easy Company shoots another surrendering German in the streets of Carentan with his sidearm. Some were offended by the depiction of combat and the foul language used by the soldiers. I enjoyed reading the book in the eyes of the front line soldier, the privates, non-coms, and officers. On the hand, Nixon is an alcoholic, promoted from platoon commander to operations officer for the battalion. The portrayal of a company of soldiers necessitates a large cast and even with ten hours of film, it is difficult to keep track of who is who at all times, particularly during combat. I really liked this one because of the way it was written. Luckily, FreeBookSummary offers study guides on over 1000 top books from students’ curricula! Stephen Ambrose is a very thorough and methodical writer who goes through great extents to make sure he writes the most accurate and descriptive scenario possible and has shown this through some of his earlier writings such as his highly acclaimed biographies on Richard Nixon and Dwight Eisenhower as well as his historical writings on the American Civil War.In order to prep for writing Band of Brothers, Stephen Ambrose sifted through thousands of World War II era files and combat reports and eyewitness accounts, but more importantly personally interviewed almost every living soldier from Easy Company among others and got their full detailed first hand versions of the stories he was publishing. I can connect to these soldiers on a much smaller scale, I row crew and it is constantly intense exercise. While some historians have criticized his popularization of history, there is no denying the success that Ambrose has had with the general public, along with veterans. The first member of Easy Company wounded, Private Robert "Popeye" Wynn, was hit in the buttocks an ironic statement about war and he apologized profusely about letting his comrades down. The English laundress asked the sergeant if he could assist her by delivering some packages left by other members of the company prior to their jump on D-Day. They wondered if some Americans were not in similar predicaments in the hills of Afghanistan, and this is perhaps the best question that could have been asked. He is a visiting lecturer at East Carolina University and an adjunct professor at Campbell University. Band of Brothers. I truly adore how Band of Brothers is written because it allows the reader to follow the soldiers through their eyes. Hi there, would you like to get such a paper? This book amazed me by explaining the physical effort required in basic training.I personally would not be able to make it as far as any of these guys so I am very impressed when the book talks about what these men are put through and how they don’t give up. Band of Brothers Book Review 2 February 2017 It is written by Stephen Ambrose, a distinguished history professor at the University of New Orleans and noted American historian and biographer. Others believed that this showed war as it actually was, without an effort by the filmmakers to clean it up. I could not visualize being capable of doing this when there are men with weapons looking to kill you, I wouldn’t even be able to do it if there weren’t men. Over half a millennium later, Stephen Ambrose used this verse to describe a company of Americans going into battle, also in France, to fight, in the words of General Dwight D. Eisenhower, a Great Crusade. This is an intimate look at how these men came together and made it through the worst the Germans had, how they became a Band of Brothers. The greatest insight into his character comes with a discussion he has with Private Albert Blithe, who had suffered, temporarily, from hysterical blindness. Band of Brothers seizes events of soldiers fighting in World War II. I have read many books before about World War II and this one is my favorite. In the second episode, Day of Days, Lieutenant Winters and a handful of men from Easy Company are ordered to take out a German artillery battery that threatens the invasion. All of these are positive and tangible responses to the mini-series and demonstrate that history can be entertaining, while still being educational, without having to be altered for the expense of a storyline or sappy love affair. After watching that particular segment, even those afraid of parachuting would be willing to jump from any aircraft to escape from the danger and feeling of helplessness that those men must have felt. I enjoyed reading the book in the eyes of the front line soldier, the privates, non-coms, and officers. Band of Brothers seizes events of soldiers fighting in World War . Ambrose walks you through a collection of warriors from basic training to battle.
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