It takes work, but when you will be able to get there, you will be rewarded with a great deal of happiness and joy for the soul. -Thomas Moore”, “A bird in a nest is secure, but that is not why God gave it wings.”, “When the world does its level best to devalue me in ways that are nothing short of brutal, all it does is evidence my value. Someone who remembers those special days or shows their love for no reason at all will find a tender, loving partner in Cancer. ")”, “There is such a thing as righteous judgment, but it seems that lately the word 'judgment' has become a curse word, period. But to hear it from someone else now, from someone who is speaking sincerely...”, “When the underlying structure of our freedom is in jeopardy, we do well to be concerned about our whistle-blowers, since blinking beacons are essential to secure a living together in a dependable social framework. Ask nothing further. I'm in a position of feeling secure enough so that I can say what I think is right and if so many people think it's wrong that I get fired, well, I've got enough to eat. Feeling secure enough to own what is weak and missing from either your body, mind or spirit and to commit to action to change it is a good thing. He was a great man, my father, and very intelligent. 43. The issue isn't whether or not we're insightful enough to avoid being judgmental, but whether or not we're secure enough to accept being judged. Do I guard myself, my heart, my feelings, my thoughts? You feel safe and comfortable.” Feeling secure enough to own what is weak and missing from either your body, mind or spirit and to commit to action to change it is a good thing. Whether you want to surprise your someone special with a romantic card "just because" or find the perfect love saying for your wedding vows, we've got you covered. This is one of those cute love quotes that could make the person hearing it … And some of our cute love quotes can help you a lot in making your loved one feel very special. It may spring from insight and experience and sincerity, and in such cases, it is quite beneficial on the receiving end.”, “The securest place is a prison cell, but there is no liberty”, “As day is to a sword, night is to a shield.”, “To become a better you, secure your dreams from the jaws of people who discredit your ambitions.”, “If only you could see the greatness in yourself, you wouldn't envy the greatness in others.”, “Your hug should be more than an embrace of affection. You’ll never be able to truly remove them from your hearts. Changing what you don't like about yourself can be empowering, and that's not a bad thing. Votes: 3, I'm in a position of feeling secure enough so that I can say what I think is right and if so many people think it's wrong that I get fired, well, I've got enough to eat. Votes: 3, I love doing TV. I am unique and worthy of love just as everybody else. 6. And about the love that is often neglected or pushed to the side: the love you have for yourself (if you want more on that then check out this post with quotes on self care). Votes: 3, To be a good enough parent one must be able to feel secure in one's parenthood, and one's relation to one's child...The security of the parent about being a parent will eventually become the source of the child's feeling secure about himself. 41. The worst feeling in the world is being hurt by someone you love Anonymous. Deep love quotes to expressing your feelings. Votes: 1, I lost my father when I was 13 years old. Life seems worthy of living, and fate seems more giving. Deep Love Quotes. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is … Votes: 1, I do sometimes play characters that are a bit ambiguous. Love Quotes make Him feel special in the whole world. Do I guard the presence of the Holy Spirit in me? They offer a nurturmg and sincere side that can be very hard to find. Loving someone and being loved back is the most beautiful feeling in everyone’s life. Now it is not only my soul inside my body. The only trouble is, they aren’t talking – however, you can take it from me – they know. “It has always seemed that a fear of judgment is the mark of guilt and the burden of insecurity.”, “There’s a part of me which has always wanted to hear a man say, "Let me take care of you forever," and I have never heard it spoken before. Well, we have just the thing for you. It's just as important to share your love daily. It gives you a secure feeling. Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love. 45. 92. Your boyfriend or husband will surely like it. Votes: 4 Love quotes often express so many things at once to your significant other but if you want him to focus on him being the idea that keeps running in your head then it is best to go with this phrase. Then this love quotes for couples is the one that you need to share with your partner to help explain exactly how you feel. It's so great for my world as a mom, as someone who likes to have a steady job and go to work feeling secure because I'm with a family. It's about feeling secure about yourself. And the only thing I've found that’s never been created is God.”, “When you are on top of your stuff, which on its own will secure you continuous increase”, “For any scientist the real challenge is not to stay within the secure garden of the known but to venture out into the wilds of the unknown.”, “Your defeat begins of the exact spot, which you had felt secure.”, “But when we train the senses we conserve our vital energy, the very stuff of life. Votes: 3 Definitely something you can say when you’re far apart from each other. Votes: 3, I started feeling secure in every way once I began to accept myself the way I was. Whether that was emotional, financial or professional security, all of it came and embraced me because I embraced myself. These love quotes will help you express your feeling in a better way and you can easily express your love with the beautiful and nice sayings. Whether that was emotional, financial or professional security, all of it came and embraced me because I embraced myself. Anonymous. Posted on September 26, 2018 September 4, 2020 by Staff. You've got to be brave about that sort of stuff. feelings quotes The best feeling in the whole world is watching things finally fall into place after watching them fall apart for so long. When our souls share the same body together, we need to do everything together. People can get blinded by a sense of being comfortable or feeling secure, but that's quite a cynical point of view. That is yours too. Mencius, All government, in its essence, is a conspiracy. Anonymous. The following is a collection of 102 of the most beautiful and deep love quotes taken from an array of romantic novels. It’s hard to express your romantic feeling, and romantic quotes could assist you in showing him/her your true feeling. Victor Hugo, Les Misérables Being in love is therefore one of the most enriching and precious experiences of one's life. Secure property in hand leads to peace in mind. Secure Quotes Quotes tagged as "secure" Showing 1-30 of 46 “It has always seemed that a fear of judgment is the mark of guilt and the burden of insecurity.” ― Criss Jami, Killosophy This is such a special time as your relationship grows into a more mature love. I believe it's very important that parents have a personal connection with their children. 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