blue cross blue shield of nc

Plan options to fit your budget or family health needs, Mental health and substance abuse coverage, Thousands of in-network doctors and specialists, Rewards and reimbursement for staying healthy and active, $0 premiums and $0 copays on select Medicare Advantage plans, Additional coverage options, including prescription drugs, dental, vision, and hearing, No-copay on routine, preventive eye exams, Discounts on frames, lenses, and contacts, Testing for diseases like glaucoma, diabetes, and heart disease, Coverage for basic and major services - like fillings or surgery, Plan coverage details and no-cost benefits - like preventive care, Forms and documents needed to manage your care, View doctor ratings and reviews from patients, Find a doctor or dentist that accepts your plan, Research a provider's specialties and experience, See provider awards, recognitions and education, Find the closest pharmacy that accepts your plan, Compare brand-name and generic medication costs, Estimate costs on refills or new medications, See how health insurance works, step-by-step, Find the right place to go when they need medical care, Find definitions for health insurance words in easy-to-follow pictures.

Health Plans for Individuals and Families, Get a Quote for Individual and Family Plans, Non-Discrimination Policy and Accessibility Services. That means, we have a plan right for you. Accessibility     

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Our Agency has received an exciting designation from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) as one of the highest performing agents in the Health Insurance Marketplaces for 3 straight years.

NCHealthplans is an independent authorized producer/agency licensed to sell and promote products from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (Blue Cross NC). We have a variety of plans to help you make your health a top-priority. H9147_9413_M, 082020. We have a variety of options to make choosing the right plan simple. A leader in the industry, Jerry Ballard has been the #1 top producing independent insurance agent for Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina in individual sales for 11 consecutive years.

We have received the Marketplace Circle of Champions designation for 2018, 2019, and 2020. A useful list to explain the toughest insurance terms, Five tips for choosing a new primary care doctor. Know if your doctor accepts your plan before you go.

We have plans available for all plan types - including individual and family and Medicare plans. Vision and dental plans are a low-cost way of keeping your total health top of mind. ® Marks of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Find the resources you need to stay healthy or get tested for COVID-19. Disponible únicamente en inglés. ¿Necesita su ID de usuario? Locate a pharmacy and understand the cost of prescriptions.

The content contained in this site is maintained by NCHealthplans. wash. As a member, you have access to a variety of online tools to help you manage your health and insurance plan. Fraud and Abuse. This is to help offset the cost of your plan. Privacy Policy      Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability in its health programs and activities. For Blue Cross NC’s latest information on the COVID-19 (coronavirus), please visit Not only does our Agency offer outstanding service, we also provide the technological sophistication you need to obtain quick and accurate information via our website, Learn more about our non-discrimination policy and no-cost services available to you. In fact, more than half of American consumers have what’s called “low health literacy.” We want to fix that. For more information about any health plan for North Carolina (NC) residents featured on this website, read each plan’s helpful Frequently Asked Questions section. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Or call the friendly professionals at Jerry Ballard & Associates, Inc. your independent North Carolina health and life insurance agency: toll free 888-765-5400 or 252-726-5400. North Carolina Health Insurance by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina. Technical Information      © 2020 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina.

At NC Health Plans, we offer a variety of insurance products, focusing primarily on the North Carolina health insurance and Medicare markets. The Elite Plus is the top designation in the Marketplace Circle of Champions program, which recognizes the hard work of agents and brokers who help North Carolinians access and manage their health coverage. And nearly 87% of people who apply for a plan can receive a discount called a subsidy (tax credit). wait. Copyright 2020 Jerry Ballard & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Register Now, Ancillary and Specialty Benefits for Employees.

Turning 65 soon?

Jerry Ballard & Associates, Inc. is an award-winning, top-producing, online-based North Carolina Insurance Agency that has attained the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina … Along with additional coverage options - like prescriptions coverage - to make your total health and staying health a priority. Site Map     

You can shop for a plan and get a quote for yourself or a loved one online. Inscribirse ahora! We’re working to create a Health Insurance 101 virtual classroom where everyone can: SHPNC.orgFor Teachers and State Employees. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability in its health programs and activities. We stand against racism. Jerry Ballard & Associates, Inc. is an award-winning, top-producing, online-based North Carolina Insurance Agency that has attained the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina President's Club Status for excellence since its inception. Y0079_9035_M CMS Accepted 12212019 Our goal is to provide the highest level of service to our customers while offering the convenience of handling your health insurance needs from the comfort of your own home. If you're over 65, our Medicare plans offer benefits to help you stay healthy.

Blue Cross NC offers a variety of Medicare plans to fit your budget and health needs. ©Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. We stand together. ¿Olvido su contraseña? ®, SM Marks of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, an association of independent Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plans. You can shop our Medicare plans with our simple online tool. Learn more about our non-discrimination policy and no-cost services available to you. Vision and dental plans can be added to a health plan as you're shopping - or you can buy them on their own if you just need vision or dental care. Here’s what you need to know about Medicare, 5 ways to save on health care costs today, What does it all mean? Read our full statement. You must continue to pay your Part B premium. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability in its health programs and activities. NC Health Plans offers Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina health insurance plans both on and off the Health Insurance Exchange/Marketplace, Medicare Supplement plans, Group Health Insurance and Dental plans for all ages. Resume an application  |  Already a member? Learn more about our non … Take a look at our small and large business plans. Forgot Password?
Forgot User ID? Blue Cross NC is an abbreviation for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina. ® Registered mark of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association (SM) Service mark of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association®. Take a look at our small and large business plans. Shop for a plan for yourself, your spouse or your family. Learn more about our non … Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield® Association. In August 2014, Jerry was inducted in the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina Hall of Fame and he has successfully built a team of qualified, professional Agents dedicated to providing exemplary service to both new and existing customers. What's Covered for Members Testing Locations. Choose the type of plan you're shopping for: Shopping for a plan for your business? The 3 Ws can help you and others stay healthy - wear. Our low-cost vision and dental plans make it easy to manage your health.
|, North Carolina Individual Health Insurance, Non-Discrimination Policy and Accessibility Services.

For Blue Cross NC’s latest information on the. Individual and family plans are perfect for singles, couples or families with children.

At Jerry Ballard & Associates, Inc. we make it our priority to offer you both quality products and personal service. In this ever-changing health insurance market, it is more important than ever to have a knowledgeable and professional advocate to help you navigate your insurance needs. No community can be truly healthy until racism no longer exists.

Did you know the health of your eyes and teeth affect your overall health?


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