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The tsunami warnings … #searchlist h2 a:hover {color:#222; border-bottom: 1px dotted #222;} The total number of Number of seismic stations which reported P- and S-arrival times for this earthquake. This may be a city name, or a Flinn-Engdahl Region name. Port Hueneme, the only city in Ventura County certified StormReady by the National Weather Service, will conduct a tsunami siren test at noon Friday with the Oxnard Harbor District and Sheriff's Office of Emergency Services in a bid to obtain TsunamiReady certification. Special Weather Statement. ul.searchbrowse li {margin:0 0 5%; font-size:0.75em; /* 12/16 */ } .helplinks:hover { The alert level from the PAGER earthquake impact scale. County and city law enforcement officials today will issue a Reverse 911 emergency notification to residents and businesses within a mile of the siren to inform them of the test. The tsunami hotspot has been identified by experts, with the Gulf of Cadiz sitting on a major plate boundary posing a huge risk to coastal areas. Port Hueneme Warnings, Watches and Advisories. There are an estimated 13,000 light quakes in the world each year. ul.searchbrowse li a {color:#676767; text-decoration:none; } .helplinks { Your official U.S. government weather forecasts, warnings, meteorological products for forecasting the weather, tsunami hazards, and information about seismology. #searchbrowse-left {width:45%; float:left; margin: 0 2%; background: transparent;} The maximum reported intensity for the event. The siren will sound for about two minutes to provide warning notification throughout the Port Hueneme tsunami inundation zone, a stretch of beachfront property that extends from Naval Base Ventura County to beyond Port Hueneme Beach Park. warnings about potential tsunamis along the West Coast of the United States. Event id: ci39020663. Decimal degrees longitude. A Tsunami Warning might come via radio, television, telephone, text message, door-to-door contact by emergency responders, NOAA weather radios, emergency telephonic notification systems (such as Reverse 911 or Code Red) or in some cases by outdoor sirens. Larger numbers indicate a more significant event. Download Maps by Quadrangle Name. NOAA's two tsunami warning centers are staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Earthquake news and analysis on current events, Plate Tectonics, Seismometers, quake prediction, environment, Tsunamis, Seismologists, Prediction, live now, videos, information, pictures and much more. Indicates whether the event has been reviewed by a human. Contributed by CI 3 ; Regional Information . Oxnard (south Ventura, Oxnard, Port Hueneme) Pitas Point (Rincon, Punta, Punta Gorda, Sea Cliff, Pitas Point) Point Mugu East. 2020-01-02 10:13:00 (UTC) 33.917°N 119.228°W; 5.9 km depth; Interactive Map. Close country/countries that might be effected, United States (c. 310 233 000 pop). North northeast wind around 5 mph becoming west southwest in the morning. Catalog CDI Responses Source check CI IV 1967 US 5 . The most significant remote tsunami to hit southern California was in 1960, when an 9.5 magnitude earthquake off the coast of Chile generated a tsunami resulting in 4 foot waves at Santa Monica and Port Hueneme, and caused major damage to the Los Angeles and Long Beach harbors. Exact location of earthquake, -119.2278366° West, 33.9256668° North, depth 10.03 km. Port Hueneme, the only city in Ventura County certified StormReady by the National Weather Service, will conduct a tsunami siren test at noon Friday with the Oxnard Harbor District and Sheriff's Office of Emergency Services in a bid to obtain TsunamiReady certification. ShakeMap . M 4.0 - 26km S of Port Hueneme, CA. Warnings of impending tsunamis are generated by the USCGS (US Coast and Geodetic Survey) Seismic Sea Wave Warning System (SSWS) and the Alaskan Regional Tsunami System. California’s large active offshore faults and unstable submarine slopes can cause tsunami activity along the coast. The 3.53-magnitude earthquake was detected at 04:44:19 / 4:44 am (local time epicenter). We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The National Weather Service canceled the advisory Wednesday morning. Global time and date of event 02/01/20 / 2020-01-02 10:13:00 / January 2, 2020 @ 10:13 am UTC/GMT. © 2020 Earthquakes today - Current and latest world earthquakes breaking news, activity and articles today. ul.searchbrowse li a {color:#676767; text-decoration:none; } Time when the event was most recently updated. padding: 3px 10px 3px 10px; margin: 0 0 8px 0 ; border: solid 1px #999; background: #eee; color: #333; font-weight: bold; } Port Planning . However, only minor damage was reported in either Ventura Harbor or the Port of Hueneme. Responses. PAGER. Identifies the network considered to be the preferred source of information for this event. Closest city/cities/towns to epicentrum/hypocenter was Willowbrook, Burbank, San Pedro (min 5000 pop). #searchlist h2 {font-family:'Myriad W01 SmBd', sans-serif; color: #616161; font-size: 0.81255em; /* 13/16 */ line-height: 1.1em; text-transform: uppercase;} Recommended. Move away from the beach and seek more information on local radio or television stations. During the test, Port Hueneme police will be stationed throughout the city to report the siren's audibility to Harbor District officials, who will adjust the decibel level of the siren. Read more about the earthquake, Distances, Seismometer information, Date-Time, Parameters, Location and details about this quake, that has struck: 25 km S of Port Hueneme, CA. Negative values for western longitudes. #searchlist {width:100%; border-bottom: 2px #e5e5e5 solid; margin: 3% 0 5% 0;} Since then, the Port Hueneme Police Department has completed a checklist of requirements, including public education through Neighborhood Watch and town hall meetings, creating a brochure with evacuation routes, and posting information on the city's Web site. The City of Port Hueneme recently received notification that it has met the requirements for "TreeCityUSA" designation from the National Arbor Day Foundation. ul.searchbrowse {font-family:'Myriad W01 Regular', sans-serif; color: #676767; margin:0; text-transform: capitalize;} Earthquake breaking news, Light World Earthquakes Magnitude 4-4.9, Tsunami warning alerts. Copyright © 2020 All rights reserved. Leave a comment or report about activity, shaking and damage at your home, country and city. 0 . Follow the directions of emergency personnel who … Res­i­dents are fear­ful af­ter a 3.4-mag­ni­tude earthquake hit off the coast of Cape Town in the early hours of yes­ter­day. ul.searchbrowse li a:hover {color:#676767; border-bottom: 1px dotted #676767} #searchlist h2 {font-family:'Myriad W01 SmBd', sans-serif; color: #616161; font-size: 0.81255em; /* 13/16 */ line-height: 1.1em; text-transform: uppercase;} Contributed by CI 3 ; Felt Report - Tell Us! Ids that are associated to the earthquake: … Textual description of named geographic region near to the event. Global time and date of event 02/01/20 / 2020-01-02 10:13:00 / January 2, 2020 @ 10:13 am UTC/GMT. 0 . The earthquake occurred at a depth of 10.03 km (6 miles). Ventura and Port Hueneme, as well as many other agencies and jurisdictions) has identified areas most likely to be affected by tsunamis, and it includes evacuation routes, and potential reunification areas for the City of Oxnard. This storm does appear to … An Emergency Mobile Alert may also be issued if there is a threat of flooding of land areas. Current and latest world earthquakes breaking news, activity and articles today. Timezone offset from UTC in minutes at the event epicenter. Global time and date of event 06/04/16 / 2016-04-06 11:44:19 / April 6, 2016 @ 11:44 am UTC/GMT. Information and facts about all earthquakes today. Did objects rattle, topple over, or fall off shelves? Earthquakes 4.0 to 5.0 are often felt, but only causes minor damage. Jan 25, 2017 - Explore Megan Griffeth's board "Port Hueneme, California" on Pinterest. The maximum estimated instrumental intensity for the event. This data comes from the USGS Earthquake Notification Service. Click HERE to find out what to do during a tsunami, if you live in, work in, or visit Ventura County. . Exact location, longitude … Bulletins are typically issued within 10-15 minutes of a large undersea earthquake in the Pacific Basin. The magnitude-4.0 earthquake … A light earthquake magnitude 4.01 (ml/mb) has occurred on Thursday, 25 kilometers (16 miles) from Port Hueneme in CA. Catalog MMI Source Description check CI IV CI 3 25.4 km (15.8 mi) S of Port Hueneme, CA CI III US 5 USGS NEIC ShakeMap CI IV CGS 2 25 km (15.625 mi) S of Port Hueneme, CA . The earthquake was roughly at a depth of 1.1 km (1 miles). This flag is set to "1" for large events in oceanic regions and "0" otherwise. "Our efforts in attaining these certifications demonstrate our commitment to being fully prepared for natural disasters and other emergencies, and to protecting our residents as much as possible from harm," Mayor Jonathan Sharkey said. Tsunami warnings have been canceled for Washington state, and communities on the Kenai Peninsula including for the city of Seward and Resurrection Bay communities, and for Homer and the coastal communities of Kachemak Bay, including Seldovia, Port Graham, Nanwalek, and Kachemak Selo. More than 1,400 residents in Southern California felt shaking on Thursday morning after an earthquake hit off the coast of Port Hueneme, California. Powerful earthquake sparks tsunami near Alaska A magnitude 7.5 earthquake prompted a tsunami warning Monday for a nearly thousand-mile stretch of Alaska’s southern coast. Warnings may also be broadcast through siren, phone, mobile text, loud hailer or other local arrangements. See more ideas about port hueneme, california, teaching government. Mostly sunny, with a high near 70. The ID of a data contributor. ul.searchbrowse {font-family:'Myriad W01 Regular', sans-serif; color: #676767; margin:0; text-transform: capitalize;} Epicenter of the earthquake was 31 km (19 miles) from Oxnard (c. 197 900 pop), 30 km (18 miles) from Oxnard Shores (c. 187 200 pop), 82 km (51 miles) from Santa Clarita (c. 176 300 pop), 85 km (53 miles) from Hollywood (c. 167 700 pop), 81 km (50 miles) from Valencia (c. 148 500 pop), 83 km (51 miles) from Torrance (c. 145 400 pop). A light earthquake magnitude 4.01 (ml/mb) has occurred on Thursday, 25 kilometers (16 miles) from Port Hueneme in CA. UTC/GMT. A follow-up Reverse 911 will take place after the test to ascertain if the siren was heard. The existence or value of this flag does not indicate if a tsunami actually did or will exist. .searchbrowse-wrap {width:100%; margin: 0 0 5%; padding: 0 0 5% 0; border-bottom: 1px #e5e5e5 solid;} Res­i­dents are fear­ful af­ter a 3.4-mag­ni­tude earth­quake hit off the coast of Cape Town in the early hours of yes­ter­day. In general, in Oxnard, if you are within a mile of the ocean, you may be in a potential tsunami inundation area. No tsunami warn­ing af­ter Cape quake The Citizen (KZN) - 2020-11-18 - News - Cit­i­zen re­porter. Tsunami warnings will also be broadcast on radio and television. #searchbrowse-right {width:45%; float:left; margin: 0 2%; background: transparent;} Strong ground shaking from an earthquake is the natural warning that a tsunami might be coming. 250 North Ventura Road Port Hueneme, CA 93041 805-986-6530 In the past 24 hours, there have been one, in the last 10 days two, in the past 30 days three and in the last 365 days sixteen earthquakes of magnitude 3.0 or greater that was reported nearby. Great World Earthquakes Magnitude 8 or more, Moderate World Earthquakes Magnitude 5–5.9, Light earthquake: M4.01 quake has struck near Port Hueneme in CA. 1 . M 4.0 - 26km S of Port Hueneme, CA. A tsunami warning has been issued near Port Hueneme in CA (Does not indicate if a tsunami actually did or will exist). Fi­nan­cial mar­kets ig­nore warn­ings of global debt tsunami Business Day - 2020-12-01 - OPINION - Gavyn Davies Davies is chair of Ful­crum As­set Man­age­ment.


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