Now that active suppression, aviation and line construction are no longer essential to the containment effort, many crews and resources have been released from the incident to work on incidents that have staffing and resource needs. 10:45 PM, Friday October 30th, 2020 approx. Aviation also provided a Burned Area Emergency Response reconnaissance flight and is coordinating with various power companies conducting infrastructure assessments. of Forestry - 10/12/20 8:34 AM. Entertainment An historic windstorm arrived in the area on Monday, September 7, rapidly spreading the fire west onto the Willamette, Deschutes and Mt. Santiam State Forest is still closed to the public. Daily objectives are also being adjusted to reflect the shorter daylight hours in which crews can work. Severe Weather The vast area of the fire, management styles, and sheer span across the cascade crest offer several subsets of fuel types and climate induced moisture levels. Hood National Forests. Rain fall across the entire fire area will keep fire activity minimal. Afternoon humidities of 30 to 40 percent were observed across the fire region. More information can be found at The Oregon Department of Forestry said Monday is closely tracking six major fires in Oregon, down from 17 originally (see table below for details). Learn more about Barney here. Warm Springs AgencyBureau of Indian Affairs1233 Veterans StreetWarm Springs, OR 97761, Warm Springs AgencyEmail: 2020.Lionshead@firenet.govPhone: 541-553-2004. ODF fire situation report for Monday, Oct. 12, 2020Oregon Dept. Weather: Temperatures will be in 60s and 70s today, climbing higher into the 70s through Wednesday. Santiam State Forest is still closed to the public. The fires are all a hoax just like Coronavirus and mathematics. Fire expected to remain inside of established control lines. Filter - control incident types displayed on map. Lionshead Fire Update for Friday, October 16, Lionshead Fire Update for Thursday, Oct. 15, Lionshead Fire Update for Wednesday, Oct. 14, National Fire Situational Awareness (NFSA) Tool, 9/12 Community Facebook Meeting Live Recorded, Lionshead Fire YouTube Channel for Ops Briefings, Marion County Sheriff's Office Facebook Page, Oregon Dept. Before heading out to hunt or recreate on other state or federal public lands, please check to see if there are any restrictions or closures due to the recent fires. One example is the installation of water bars on sloping fire lines and roads to help control erosion. On ODF-protected lands, there have been 907 fires and 551,816 acres burned. A wilderness resource advisor has been ordered to help coordinate suppression repair and mitigation in these more sensitive areas. Eastern extremes are semi-arid pine with brush understory, transitioning west ward into subalpine, true-fir, and lodge pole pine with areas of heavy dead and down on the crest, then further transitioning with confer dominate closed canopy stands. SALEM, Ore. - Just after Labor Day, ODF started tracking 17 major fires. 12 hours: Moist conditions will maintain minimal fire activity. Much of the 'indirect' fire lines are in inaccessible areas. The lightning-caused Lionshead Fire, which has burned almost 16,000 acres in Lions Head Canyon on the Confederate Tribes of Warm Springs Reservation, is 31% contained. Most posted double-digit gains in containment over the weekend. Safety: Unpaved roads are very muddy, particularly on the west side of the Cascade Crest. Use ODOT’s TripCheck to plan your route. Smoke columns large and tall enough to see from a distance signify active burning. Daily Weather Forecast We continue to track 6 of those(see table below for details). Other work includes removing thousands of tons of downed trees and slash – branches, brush and other woody debris – along roads and rights-of-way. The resource advisor will coordinate with other resources on the fire to ensure efficient and effective suppression repair. Firefighter and public safety are the top priority for the Incident Management Team and crews working around the fire perimeter. Lightning sparked the Lionshead Fire, which began August 16, 2020, in Lionshead Canyon on the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Reservation approximately 14 miles west of the Warm Springs community. Check the public fire restrictions map to see current restrictions for your area. Aluminized structure wrapping must be removed and miscellaneous garbage is collected and disposed of. On the reservation, firefighters are working to leave the homeland in the best condition possible when the fire is returned to local control. An archaeologist is being brought in to conduct a cultural survey of the 53 miles of dozer line and 10 miles of handline dug during the suppression effort before line rehabilitation begins. Remember that fire season isn’t over yet, which means backyard burning and other restrictions are still in effect on ODF-protected lands. Cooler and wet weather brings a new set of challenges for firefighters. Lionshead is the only one of these major fires that showed any … Winds aloft will remain westerly around 15 mph with gusts up to 20 mph. Primary fuel type is timber with understory and litter. 12:00 AM. Use ODOT’s TripCheck to plan your route. Seeding equipment has been ordered to further stabilize soils on now-exposed ground. Severe Weather One of those massive fires, Lionshead, is the sixth-largest fire of the past 100 years in Oregon, at 204,412 acres. Areas of active burning are also being monitored in the “finger” to the north. Fires are removed from the list when they are 100% lined and fire managers are confident in their progress toward containment. 24 hours: Drying trend begins, allowing fuels to dry again. The traveling public should avoid driving or parking on unpaved roads to avoid getting stuck. Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Lionshead Fire Update, Brian Gales, Incident Commander Aaron Schuh, Deputy IC.
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