Though now we’ve seen a slightly different (arguably closer to the book) adaptation with Mikkelsen- Hopkins still terrifies as Hannibal. An old joke deserves a song. It’s a pity none of the movie sequels managed to capture the same magic. In terms of sheer number of changes from book to film, this may be one of the most faithful adaptations of a book I have ever seen. He’s so very weird yet strangely sexual and exudes confidence. I’m going to be controversial here and say that the movie, Silence of the Lambs, was better than the book. For that alone I need to give this to the book. That isn’t to say that the novel is bad, far from it. In that regard for a book written in 1989 this is a pretty progressive book, let alone the time it spends teaching us about transgender people which is basically a throwaway line in the movie. Let's get into it... Jayson: The overall plot of Silence of the Lambs from a book and movie perspective are very much aligned. Again, I believe both Harris and Demme made some missteps here, and that while the demonizing of a queer character remains problematic (even if Gumb "didn't really have a sexual preference," he is still rather sexually ambidextrous and decidedly "Other"), we can at least acknowledge that the creators of both literary and filmic narratives had their hearts in the right place. Writer, blogger, scientist, extension specialist, reader, husband, father, weightlifter, guitarist, list maker and owner of the cute dog Fox Browse our past entires and be on the look out for new ones. That’s right. It is later revealed, however, that Crawford's real motive in sending Starling was to see if the always astute Lecter could shed light on the serial killer known as Buffalo Bill, whose sixth victim had recently been discovered, skinned in places like the others, but also, as Starling later discovers, containing a Death's Head moth cocoon lodged in her throat, a rare species that would have been imported from Asia. It will always be out there, like Lecter, lurking in the shadows, staying out of sight and yet making its presence known from time to time. I’ll give you some time to warm up the tar and pluck the chickens. Starling deals with all the same instances of sexism that her literary counterpart faces, and Jodie Foster's performance as Clarice has since become a kind of icon. Starling learns Gumb is her man when she sees one of the Death's Head moths fluttering about his kitchen. Jayson: There’s no doubt this is a great movie. Excited About "Lovecraft Country"? Book vs Movie: Silence of the Lambs – What’s the Difference? However, what many people forget is that The Silence of the Lambs was a book. I have to hunt a thing that lives on tears. In the money everyone else offered … This narrative suffers from an error of omission rather than intent, as indicated by Jonathan Demme's reaction of utter horror at his mistake. Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below. Compare that with the cinematic classic and you can see which one stands taller. But, Clarice, you judge yourself with all the mercy of the dungeon scales at Threave; you'll have to earn it again and again, the blessed silence. Sadly though, much of her maturation arc, the need to quell her rage, is absent here. I'm a HUGE fan of the SOTL movie, disappointed with Hannibal (movie), liked Manhunter A LOT, enjoyed Red Dragon (movie), and have yet to watch Hannibal (TV). Christopher lives in Oklahoma City with his fiancée Lauren and their two mostly well-behaved cats. The lambs will stop for now. Next up—Book Vs. Film Vs. TV Series: Hannibal. The flow of events are rarely taken out of order merely condensed for the sake of economy. There was considerable backlash toward the book and even more so toward the film for once again portraying a queer character as a sadistic killer (Basic Instinct being the other big contemporary offender). In short, Hannibal schemed to destroy Graham, and he succeeded; likewise, Crawford gambled with Graham's life, and lost. Jayson: Rarely have I seen the tone of a book better depicted on screen. If you're a fan of the film and you've never read the book, I would highly recommend doing so—it will reshape your understanding of Clarice as a character. That isn’t to say that the novel is bad, far from it. The book tells us: Over this odd world, this half the world that’s dark now. Other than the initial suggestion that Gumb has co-opted transsexualism and Starling's insistence that transgendered people are "passive types," none of the above content made the cut for Demme and company's film adaptation of Harris's novel—no impassioned speech from the Johns Hopkins doctor, and no revelation that Gumb's insanity is rooted in larger identity problems not specific to gender. With Howard Shore at the helm, the film takes on a life of its own-the persistent darkness of the cinematography never dulls or bores and drives the audience’s attention. CC: I have to agree with Jayson, I think that the original source material wins in this instance. Despite the absence of certain aspects of Harris's novel, The Silence of the Lambs is still an amazing film, partially for this more unnerving ending. They are both fantastic. The movie also features the first instance of Hannibal displaying his victims as gory works of art, an aspect … Also, in the book the conversations between characters tend to run a bit long and winding which can sometimes confuse the situation rather than elevating it. This was another way to escape. (Not that there’s a huge difference between the two nor is really much that is truly “left out.”) I’ve seen some movies do a great job of simplifying or at least condensing a book’s plot – but in this case, I really liked more of the in depth explanation of FBI happenings and the character development that gets a bit rushed in the film. Meanwhile, we see the killer Buffalo Bill, real name Jame Gumb (as in, "same" or "game," and if you add an "e" sound to the end of his first name, he will become quite angry) kidnap Catherine Martin, the daughter of Tennessee senator Ruth Martin. CC: Very similarly to theme, I think the tone of the movie really mirrors and compliments the book. One Thursday a month, Sophie lays out the rules for a horror film drinking game! Rather, his goals for the novel were situated squarely with Clarice Starling, perhaps his second most famous character (or possibly even third now, given the attention placed on Will Graham). This month CineFix ask the question in their What’s the Difference? 'You old creep. This is Starling’s thoughts upon recognizing the sacrifices it takes to catch monsters. I wasn't aware of the new Marvel Star Wars comics until I stumbled on this series. I won't be surprised if the answer is yes and no. Chilton rebuffs her as harshly as he felt he was rebuffed while hitting on her: The dial tone stung in her ear. Last month, I took a look at the first of four novels featuring the character Hannibal Lecter, Red Dragon, as it related to its two screen adaptations, Manhunter and the Brett Ratner film of the same name, as well as the TV series Hannibal, which I felt handled the material the best. A timeless classic that will never get old. Creepo son of a bitch. Also, his voice will forever be associated with a serial for me – even though I love him as an actor in general. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Create a free website or blog at Read Victor LaValle's "The Ballad Of Black Tom" First, Why The Punisher Has No Place In The Police Department, Trying to Juggle Writing AND Parenting? That being said, all that is great about this film minus the performances is in this book with an added layer of depth that the movie just isn’t able to muster in a reasonable run time, and yet it’s an incredible quick and easy read. The best way to drag this old beast to the ground and put a bullet in its head is to take the classics and break them down. As I mentioned in the character segment Clarice Starling’s aspirations and motivations are much more clearly drawn in the book than in the movie. Now, with 2015 nearing an end—the year in which the aforementioned television show said goodbye (for now)—we're ready to move ahead into Thomas Harris's sequel to Red Dragon, perhaps the most famous and revered of all Lecter properties, The Silence of the Lambs (or SOTL).
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