vodka neat
While you may not think of a mainstay brand like Absolut as coming with a locally-sourced pedigree, the… Please visit our FAQ page, or contact us today on 1300 603 344. Vodka: You can absolutely drink vodka neat, or at least by itself (cold temps or ice help dull any astringent, alcoholic heat). International Wine & Spirit Awards (IWSC), Los Angeles International Spirits (LAISC), SAN FRANCISCO WORLD SPIRIT CHALLENGE (SFWSC), Smirnoff Black Label Copper Pot Still Vodka 1 Litre, Smirnoff Blue Label 100 Proof Vodka 1 Litre. Whether you seek a neutral-vodka for your favourite cocktail, or prefer to drink premium vodka neat, let GoodDrop direct you to the best vodka brands on the market. A shot of whisky, tequila, or vodka, when served neat in a shot glass, is often accompanied by a "chaser" (a mild drink consumed after a shot of hard liquor) or a "water back" (a separate glass of water).

We look forward to supplying you with fine vodka at great prices! “Vodka” means “little water” in Russian, making it seem simple in its clarity, but don’t let the transparency fool you! Before the late 1800s, vodka was only available in Russia, traditionally only sold in 12 litre buckets. When ordering, though, be careful not to throw around cocktail terms like “neat,” “straight up,” and “on the rocks” without knowing what they mean. Drinking Vodka Straight Choose a plain vodka to drink.

Most vodka aficionados believe that drinking … Please visit our FAQ page, or contact us today on 1300 603 344. The best vodka brands have been known to surprise with their bold flavours. Whether you seek a neutral-vodka for your favourite cocktail, or prefer to drink premium vodka neat, let GoodDrop direct you to the best vodka brands on the market. The 1950s saw a boom in vodka sales after the marketing of the “Moscow Mule.” Today, the classic cocktail has seen a resurgence, accompanied by the trademark copper mug in which it’s served. Neat. Is It Neat, Up, Straight Up, or Straight? Vodka’s history is as diverse as the drink.

Purity Vodka is my pick for a vodka to drink without a mixer. Featuring aromatic spices, herbs and fruit, premium vodka comes in all kinds of blends and flavours. Neat is used to order a drink that is served with no ice or mixers. It is, quite simply, a straight pour of liquor... Up. Do you have questions about our product selection or services? These terms commingle as well; it is common in many locales to … Up usually describes a drink that is chilled with ice—either shaken or stirred —and strained into a glass without... Straight Up. You just ordered a cocktail with Stoli vodka and a lemon peel, also known as a Cape Cod. It is crisp and clean and lighter-bodied, so it’s easy to drink straight or in a martini. Vodka is not served in a martini, or a gimlet, or a screwdriver; in Russia, vodka is drunk all by itself, ice cold, and in a shot rather than sipped. If you do, you might end up with a drink you didn’t want and an unamused bartender. Like whisky, it was thought to have medicinal properties in years past. Contact Us.
Let GoodDrop be your host, and explore the best vodka selection online in Australia.

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