Among the common air pollutants, O3 and PM2.5 have the longest atmospheric lifetime and thus can build up over multiple days and spread, by the prevailing winds, over large geographic regions. Indoor pollutants are regulated mostly by industrial hygiene and housing authorities although Health Canada has an increasing role. His own lab is currently looking into the health effects of the growing "non-tailpipe" emissions noted in the study. Fuelling controversy: What do new U.S. fuel efficiency regulations mean for Canada’s climate goals? Natural emissions can play an important role in the levels of air pollution depending upon time and place. By submitting a comment, you accept that CBC has the right to reproduce and publish that comment in whole or in part, in any manner CBC chooses. New research shows millions of Canadians living near busy roads are exposed to a dangerous mix in the air. They range in size from 5-nanometre diameter molecular clusters to light scattering particles peaking on a mass contribution basis in the 200-1000-nanometre diameter (0.2-1 µm) size range. Despite the trend we are now seeing, however, current improvements in air quality are unlikely to last long past the COVID-19 crisis without permanent changes to the way Canadians get around. Nor is there much enforcement. Home. The sites collected local air continuously for two years. Thus, episodes are associated with light winds and temperature inversions (temperature increasing with height, a condition reducing wind gusts and pollutant dilution rates), which result in smog. Saiba mais sobre o Web Check-in Pollutants such as nitrogen oxides, ozone, sulphur dioxide and particulates are responsible for 7,700 premature deaths in Canada each year, and deaths and illness due to air pollution cost Canada $36 billion in 2015, according to a 2017 study from the International Institute for Sustainable Development. This can lead to greater numbers of people being exposed to similar levels. Most air-resource programs, therefore, use a combination of strategies. Some have forecasted, however, that those targets won’t be met without decisive policy action. Soiling of materials caused by soot necessitates increased washing, dry cleaning and painting. Volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds (VOCs and SVOCs), the latter of which are found in both the gas and particle phase, are an additional large class of pollutants. Pollution levels weren't directly related to the number of vehicles: One roadway in Vancouver had similar pollution levels to a Toronto portion of Highway 401, which has more than a dozen lanes and carries 10 times more traffic. Nitrogen dioxide levels measured in the new study mean it will be difficult to achieve the air-quality standards being proposed by the federal government for 2020 next to major roads, Evans said. When dissolved in cloud and rain, sulphate and nitrate lead to acid rain. Air Canada for Business: Click here for all updates. The Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) also gives the federal government the authority to regulate many aspects of air pollution. Strategies used to control air pollution are varied. Water vapour released from fuel combustion may cause ice.
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