John Caldwell (ed. Early English Church Music. 979-83), copied after 1575,[9] while his four-part pieces are in the so-called Gyffard Partbooks (GB-Lbl Add. [Stefan Scot], liner notes for CD "The Church Music of John Sheppard: The Collected Vernacular Works, Volume 1", Priory Records, PRCD 1081 (2013). Whose Music? 83-98. In March 1556 he witnessed the will of a fellow Gentleman of the chapel, Luke Caustell, and on New Year's Day 1557 he presented a roll of songs to Mary Tudor. Professor Shepherd’s research was recognised by Carleton University in 1992 through the award of the Davidson Dunton Research Lectureship. ), "John Sheppard: II: Masses,". John Caldwell (ed. ), "The Mulliner Book", 'Musica Britannica' 1 (London: Stainer & Bell, 2011), p.163. Print. Mateer, David, ed. Of his 'alternatim' settings of the processional psalms for the procession to the font after Second Vespers on Easter Day, he completed Laudate pueri Dominum, but only part of In exitu Israel, leaving its completion to William Mundy and the young William Byrd. The Gyffard Partbooks, II. he study of music in its social context has expanded rapidly over the last fifteen years, yet little of this work discusses the music itself: the processes, textures and structures of sound which so powerfully affect us as individuals. [1] Nothing certain is known about his early life. On her accession in 1553, Mary Tudor determined to restore England to the Catholic faith after the Protestant years of Edward VI. 156-177. ), [Stefan Scot], liner notes for CD "The Church Music of John Sheppard: The Collected Vernacular Works, Volume II", Priory Records, PRCD 1108 (2015). He made his will on 1 December and was buried at St Margaret's Church, Westminster on 21 December. Print. Magnus Williamson (ed.) The Gyffard Partbooks, I. London: Stainer & Bell, 2007. • scrobbling since 8 Apr 2009. Other sources supply few additional pieces beyond extracts from longer compositions. Go directly to shout page Listen. Selected Book Chapters and Journal Articles. (London: Routledge, 1993; republished 2013). From 2007 until 2012 he was Carleton’s Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs and in 2012 became Carleton’s first Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President (Academic), a position from which he stepped down in 2017., What they are saying about Music at Carleton, MUSI 4906 Honours Portfolio in Composition, Leave feedback. "John Sheppard: Hymns, Psalms, Antiphons and other Latin Polyphony", Nicholas Sandon (ed. John-Shepherd hasn't listened to any music in the selected date range. In order to have the best experience, please upgrade to a more modern browser. The sources for Sheppard's services are all of much later date and often incomplete. (Carleton), D.Phil. 25, No. John Sheppard: I: Responsorial Music. Although Day's collection was not finally published until 1565, there are reasons to believe that it was planned during the reign of Edward VI.[12]. ‘A Theoretical Model for the Sociomusicological Analysis of Popular Musics,’ Popular Music, Vol. Professor Shepherd’s research interests include the sociology and aesthetics of music, popular music studies, theory and method in musicology, cultural studies, and the sociology of music education. [8], Sheppard's compositions for the Latin liturgy exist exclusively in post-Reformation anthologies. 1-2/Vol. Javascript is required to view shouts on this page. 45). From 2001-2005 he was an Associate Dean in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, and from 2005-2006 the Associate Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research. MSS 30480–4) and elsewhere; and a setting for two soloists of the troped lesson 'Laudes Deo' for the first mass of Christmas Day is in a manuscript at Oxford (GB-Och Mus. A new, up-to-date repertoire of music was required for her chapel and Sheppard was instrumental in supplying it with suitable compositions. ‘Text,’ in Bruce Horner and Thomas Swiss, eds., Putting It Into Words: Key Terms for Studying Popular Music (Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1999), pp. Sheppard also composed a number of additional items for particularly solemn feasts of the Church calendar, including settings of the Kyrie and Gradual Haec dies for Second Vespers (not, in this case, the mass) on Easter Day. MS 15166) may have been composed for domestic recreation rather than for church use. 2 (Autumn, 1993), pp. 303-330. [4] In 1554 he supplicated, apparently unsuccessfully, for the degree of Doctor of Music at Oxford University, stating that he had studied music for twenty years and had "composed many songs". ), "Tudor Keyboard Music c.1520-1580", 'Musica Britannica' 66 (London: Stainer & Bell, 1995), p.170. Since 1995, Professor Shepherd has been a Principal Editor of the Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World: Music as Social Text (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1991). The Tallis Scholars sing Tudor Church Music, Volume Two, John Sheppard: Media vita & other sacred music,,,,, International Music Score Library Project,, Articles with International Music Score Library Project links, Wikipedia articles with BIBSYS identifiers, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SNAC-ID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 31 May 2020, at 16:46.
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