Thomas Aufield (d. 1585) of England. Donny is right. Vote on the post to say if you agree or disagree. These 16 names were selected by our users that were looking for other names like Marmaduke. Here are the top 10 girl names and top 10 boy names of 2015: In the girls’ top 10, Ella and Mia replace Lily (now 13th) and Sophie (now 11th). Like Fox and Wolf, Lynx is a strong, one-syllable animal name for boys, but its advantage is that it's not as common (yet, anyway). Thomas Atkinson (d. 1616) of England. (Five-Name Friday), Five Name Friday: Boy Name for Micah’s Brother, Popular Baby Names in Sonoma County, CA, 2019, Aarzoo, Autumn-Lily, Boglarka, Comfort, Edna, Enxi, Euphemia, Flourish, Fozia, Gabia, Jupiter, Lady, Lleucu, Llio, Merveille, Nectaria, Pebbles, Peony, Prisca, Purity, Quorra, Reisel, Sloka, Tuba, Venice, Vimbainashe, Ylva. Alaric. How popular was it historically? William Filby (d. 1582) of England. If Prince William and Kate Middleton decide to take baby-name inspiration from their forebears, the royal baby could be born a ‘Grissel’, ‘Boniface’ or even ‘Lancelot’. Bowes, for Bl. The voters have decided that this post is right! The most famous of a number of saints named Maedoc was a sixth-century abbot of Clonmore in Ireland. ASSOCIATED WITH irish, follower (servant), famous, abbot (monk) Tunstall, for Bl. Boy Names like Elijah? If you like an active name like Ryder but are looking for a more unusual option, this update of French origin, meaning "forest guardian," might suit your son. Dutton, for Servant of God Joseph Dutton (d. 1931) of the U.S. Ebner, for Bl. Gerosa, for St. Vincentia Gerosa (d. 1847) of Italy. His relative, niece Mary, has a huge rack! Which two royal baby names — one boy name, one girl name — would you recommend to them? It conjures up images of playing cards, tennis and golf (among other games) and means “one” in Latin. Claver, for St. Peter Claver (d. 1654) of Spain. Let’s say William and Kate are required (by decree of the Queen!) Lochlan. If you didn't find an alternative name that you like better than Wilbert, try our name generator.It allows you to go beyond the similarities of a name, which can provide a lot of inspiration! Reading popular baby names. Ace. instead: NEVER MIND ‘ELIZABETH’ – ROYAL BABY COULD BE A ‘LANCELOT’, ‘BONIFACE’ OR ‘GRISSEL’, Unusual first names in the royal couple’s family trees uncovered as pregnancy is announced – Dalby, for Bl. Renegade sisters, blisters, salivate, litigate, liberate. Fulthrop, for Bl. Rivi, for Bl. The tower piece in chess and synonym for “crow” or "raven" is part of the trend of familiar words being turned into baby names. Sutter is another up-and-coming “action” name for boys.
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