rachel jones koresh
(Sorry, hope that didn’t spoil it for ya. Although the show only lasted six episodes, major actors like Friday Night Lights star Taylor Kitsch, Boardwalk Empire’s Michael Shannon, and Ozark's Julia Garner starred in the miniseries. There were Branch Davidians from Canada, England, and even Israel. Joann Vaega: I just remember it being very peaceful. Dr. Perry is trying to get a sense of what was happening inside the compound: "48 Hours" was there when Joann Vaega left Waco, almost 25 years ago. The Seven Seals is a mystifying passage found deep within the Book of Revelation. Doyle joined in the 1960s, long before David Koresh. ... Rachel Jones. And she was very calm. In his first interview ever, a retired Texas United Parcel Service driver reveals to "48 Hours" that he unwittingly delivered large boxes of military-grade guns and ammunition to Branch Davidian cult leader David Koresh in the months and weeks before the siege in Waco, Texas, that would capture the attention of the world in 1993. From a house across the street from the compound, a rotating team of ATF agents watched the Davidians every move. Somehow, nine adults escaped the inferno. Julia Garner portrays Michelle Jones. Sheila Martin was watching on TV too, knowing her husband and four of her children were burning. Judy even mothered one of Koresh’s children…who later died in the Waco fire. Like us on Facebook to see similar stories, An elderly couple refused to leave the home they loved and were killed in the East Troublesome Fire, A 24-year-old engineer created a website that tells you if your McDonald's has a working ice-cream machine. Peter Van Sant: Why the heck would the Branch Davidians be making hand grenades? Byron Sage: It was by far the most devastating -- demanding experience that I've ever gone through in 46 years in law enforcement. Shea Whigham portrays Mitch Decker, one of the FBI agents in the standoff. Lee Hancock: David Koresh was the illegitimate child of a woman who gave birth to him at 14 years old. He was not just a prophet. She and her husband help run a restaurant in California. ATF audio: The ATF will cease fire if they will cease fire and we'll pull back. Byron Sage: His hands were burned … and the only reason for that, according to the doctors, is that they were permeated with diesel fuel. Robert Cervenka: It looked like they're preparing for a war. Larry Gilbreath:  I said, "They're gonna make you in two minutes after you step off the truck.". Debra Gilbreath: Somebody had to do something! Lee Hancock: The abuse was so severe that Koresh's grandmother ultimately took him in. Joann Vaega: Absolutely not. Michelle Jones was the younger sister of Rachel Jones Koresh. Hancock is now a consultant for CBS News. Elizabeth Breault: Was he going to hand me over to David Koresh? And Adams insists it wasn't just the adult women. And he looked nothing like a UPS person. A tragic fire that not only burned down the group’s living quarters, but also killed 76 people, including leader David Koresh and 20 children. Dick DeGuerin: His agenda was being able to write his explanation of The Seven Seals. Sheila Martin: I realized all those young children died. A true believer to this day, Clive Doyle was one of the longtimers in the Branch Davidians. David Thibodeau lived in the Waco compound and was one of the few survivors of the siege. Larry Gilbreath: None of this was my choice to ... we had no-- we had no animosity toward anybody. I hear gun fire. Born Rachel Jones, Rachel Koresh was one of David’s wives. It's time for you to go.". Joann Vaega: There was a huge gate. Not much is known about Koresh's wife. Like, you, it was, it was war. She was very confident about her decision … And I didn't have a choice. Bill Buford: One creased across the nose, once in the hip, once in the thigh, and once right square in the butt. FBI Special Agent Byron Sage and other negotiators communicated with Koresh and his deputies at the compound, working to reach a peaceful resolution. Day 51: On April 19, 1993, just before 6 a.m., government tanks began ramming the main building to deliver that tear gas in hopes of ending the siege: FBI Special Agent Byron Sage on loud speaker: This is not an assault. Even more disturbing, Cervenka -- who is an Army veteran -- heard the distinct sound of a .50 caliber machine gun. Plus, stream all your favorite CBS shows live, next day, or on demand anytime, anywhere. Larry Gilbreath:  And I'd say probably 75 percent of the time, when I would get there, David -- always came out. …to know that the Bible was our hope and strength. Congress, as well as a $17 million independent review, were critical of both the ATF and the FBI. Peter Van Sant: If given time, if the FBI had shown more patience, he may have finished the writing of these Seven Seals and walked out of that building? …I could see that things were getting -- out of control. Dick DeGuerin: You have the right to defend yourself. Joann Vaega: It was me and my mom on a bunk bed. By the end of the fifth day of the siege, 21 children had been released from the compound, but more than two dozen remained behind. ATF agents seen on the roof of the Branch Davidian compound during the raid. The FBI sent in a video camera, hoping Koresh would record scenes from inside. Koresh sought refuge with the Branch Davidians, a reclusive group of Christians living in Waco, Texas. As the younger sister of Rachel Koresh… He was the Son of God. Michelle Jones was the younger sister of Rachel Jones Koresh. And the result? Larry Gilbreath:  And AR-15's and big magazines to go on 'em. Larry Gilbreath: I thought it was a little strange that religious people would be ordering guns. Sheila Martin was right down the hall from Joann. …I'm thinking, "Who is this man?" Byron Sage: Our primary goal was to get the kids out of harm's way. …I'm thinking, "What did we come to?". …there was bullet holes everywhere. There were people lying on the floor that were dead. The case was settled out of court. Peter Van Sant What kind of ages are we talking about? He's nothing to me. Marc Breault says Koresh's mind control took a sinister turn in 1989, when he announced a new revelation from God. Here’s a look at some of the characters that appear in the miniseries. Dr. Bruce Perry: How'd you end up in the compound?


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