35.7 War is not the time for free speech. After that time Brutus being in battle near unto the city of Philippi, against Antonius and Octavius Caesar, at the first battle he won the victory, and overthrowing all them that withstood him, he drave them into young Caesar's camp, which he took. But Antonius and Lepidus, which were two of Caesar's chiefest friends, secretly conveying themselves away, fled into other men's houses, and forsook their own. They both answered, they did. But when Caesar refused it again the second time, then all the whole people shouted. For as he did set his men in battle [ar]ray, the falling sickness took him, whereunto he was given, and therefore feeling it coming, before he was overcome withal, he was carried into a castle not far from thence, where the battle was fought, and there took his rest till the extremity of his disease had left him. After the Battle of Pharsalus [Lessons Eight and Nine], Cato and Scipio being fled into Africa, King Juba joined with them, and levied a great puissant army. Cato finding the mark he shot at, and fearing lest in the end the people should be compelled to make him dictator: he persuaded the Senate rather to make him [Pompey] sole consul, that contenting himself with that more just and lawful government, he should not covet the other [which was] unlawful. Caesar being unable to satisfy them, was compelled to go unto Crassus, who was the richest man of all Rome, and that stood in need of Caesar's boldness and courage to withstand Pompey's greatness in the commonwealth. Prepared for AmblesideOnline from Thomas North's translation of Plutarch's Lives by Anne White. But Caesar sent him word again, that he would [borrow] a greater sum than that, to maintain the suit against him. The shamefullest part that Caesar played while he was consul, seemeth to be this: when he chose P. Claudius tribune of the people, (that had offered his wife such dishonour, and profaned the holy ancient mysteries of the women, which were celebrated in his own house). 6.6, The senate gathered to discuss it. Hereupon, it ran straight through all the city, and every man came thither to see them. First, for that he gave them bountifully, and did honour them also, shewing thereby, that he did not heap up riches in the wars to maintain his life afterwards in wantonness and pleasure, but that he did keep it in store, honourably to reward their valiant service: and that by so much he thought himself rich, by how much he was liberal in rewarding of them that had deserved it. For Pompey came on with his battle upon them, and they were not able to abide it, but were fought with, and driven into their camp, and their trenches were filled with dead bodies, which were slain within the very gate and bulwarks of their camp, they were so valiantly pursued. Now when he was entered into his office, he began to put forth laws meeter for a seditious tribune of the people, than for a consul: because by them he preferred the division of lands, and distributing of corn to every citizen gratis, to please [the common people]. Dam. It is now most commonly cited with the word order changed ("Alea iacta est") rather than in the original phrasing. 89. Furthermore, what he did after this overthrow, and how he had put himself into the hands of the Egyptians, by whom he was miserably slain: we have set it forth at large in his Life. Share with your friends. All this notwithstanding, he never left following of Pompey's lieutenants, provoking them to battle, and entrenching them in: until he had gotten their camp and armies into his hands [at the Battle of Ilerda], albeit that the lieutenants themselves fled unto Pompey. Thereupon, it is reported, that even they that most hated him, were no less favourers and furtherers of his honours, than they that most flattered him: because they might have greater occasions to rise, and that it might appear they had just cause and colour to attempt that [which] they did against him. [10], "The Die is Cast" redirects here. But no man did attempt it, either because they feared Pompey for that they had forsaken him, or else for that they thought Caesar meant not as he spake, but that they were words of course, to colour his purpose withal. [And many sent to Rome to take houses fit to accommodate consuls and praetors, as being sure of entering upon those offices as soon as the battle was over.] All this time he would boldly exercise himself in any sport or pastime they would go to. ", or "Let the game be ventured!". [He was so much master of the good-will and hearty service of his soldiers that those who in other expeditions were but ordinary men displayed a courage past defeating or withstanding when they went upon any danger where Caesar's glory was concerned.] Caesar supping one night in Milan with his friend Valerius Leo, there was served sparage to his board, and oil of perfume put into it instead of salad oil. Thither the enemies came to set upon him, and to environ him of all sides, with an infinite number of thousands of fighting men. And shortly after also, Caesar [him]self did marry Calpurnia the daughter of Piso, whom he caused to be made consul, to succeed him the next year following. For it was agreed among them, that every man should give him a wound, because all their parts should be in this murder. But the people being offended, and Caesar also angry, he said he was not called king, but Caesar. He compares all the ancient textual sources about Caesar, everything historical, chronological, archaeological, etc., and he discusses the methods and motives of the authors of all the texts considered and of the actor and author Caesar himself, incorporating throughout all the ancient references as well as bibliography from the nineteenth century to the just-printed new edition of the OCD (and beyond); and, when Caesar’s end draws nigh, Pelling integrates into the commentary the insight of an author who, like Plutarch, knew well how to fashion a dramatic narrative: Shakespeare. This notwithstanding, the Romans inclining to Caesar's prosperity, and taking the bit in the mouth, supposing that to be ruled by one man alone, it would be a good mean[s] for them to take breath a little, after so many troubles and miseries as they had abidden in these civil wars: they chose him perpetual dictator. Also the brightness of the sun was darkened, the which all that year through rose very pale, and shined not out, whereby it gave but small heat: therefore the air being very cloudy and dark, by the weakness of the heat that could not come forth, did cause the earth to bring forth but raw and unripe fruit, which rotted before it could ripe[n]. Now Cinna hearing at that time, that they burnt Caesar's body in the marketplace, notwithstanding that he feared his dream, and had an ague on him besides: he went into the marketplace to honour his funerals. Now the Senate granted general pardon for all that was past, and to pacify every man, ordained besides, that Caesar's funerals should be honoured as a god, and established all things that he had done: and gave certain provinces also, and convenient honours unto Brutus and his confederates, whereby every man thought all things were brought to good peace and quietness again. Then he was chosen consul for the year following [46 B.C., with Marcus Aemilius Lepidus].
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